
Student Resources

RCC has put together a great page that has links to some of the really important resources on campus. This includes engagement centers, financial aid, EOPS, mental health, and much much more...

RCC Student Resources

In addition, in the tool bar on the left has a Student Support Hub link that will be valuable to you. If you click on the link, you'll see a button on the top right that allows you to join the class. If you do this and turn on notifications, you'll be able to get up to date information about tutoring times, activities, etc...

Please let me know if you need anything or can't find the particular support you need. I am here to help support you in any way you need.

Teacher Resources

Why ePortfolios?

Check out some of the resources below to understand why ePorfolios are found to be valuable learning tools. Perhaps you can implement them in your own classroom in the future!

Center for Teaching Excellence