1. Where do you think you have exhibited your personal strengths in this class?

    1. I have exhibited my personal strengths in this class by researching the topics we learn about and learning the facts. Another strength I have is that my Eportfolio has been coming out very nice and creative.

  2. Where do you think you are weakest?

    1. I think I am the weakest in my attendance. My personal life has been difficult and it has difficult to make it to class.


  1. How often have you been present in class?

    1. My attendance grade is at a 75%, but this grade will go up by the time the semester ends.

  2. How focused on what is happening in class have you consistently been?

    1. I am usually 100% focused in class and have no problem there. I have a little issue of focusing when watching the lectures and reading the chapters. I am not good at keeping up with the labs but I am with the lectures.

  3. How many hours a week do you typically spend on this class?

    1. I spend at least 10 hours a week on this class. On the days I have class, I study what I learned after and research to get a better understanding. I also spend a lot of time on my eportfolios and on the presentations. I spend a couple hours working on classwork every time I go with my group.

  4. When thinking about your progress in this class, do you feel it is enough?

    1. I am currently a little behind on my work because of life circumstances, but I believe I am making enough progress in this class. I am learning and getting a better understanding of Earth Science.

  5. What letter grade would you give yourself?

    1. I would give myself a B because I am behind but before some events happened in my life, I was learning all the material. For most quizes I would get almost 100% or miss like 1.

  6. Is there anything that you are planning to change for the rest of the semester?

    1. What I am planning on changing for the rest of the semester is pushing through and going to class even when it is really difficult to do so.


  1. How do you feel your comfort level with teaching earth science has been impacted by class so far?

    1. My comfort level with teaching earth science has definitely gone up. Before, I was unsure on how to begin lecturing nor could I imagine myself lecturing. Because we lecture in class, I can imagine myself doing it and it excites me. I feel a lot more prepared on how to go about a lecture and have received tips on how to be better for the future.

  2. How do you feel about your eportfolio and what you've built there so far?

    1. I am completely obsessed with my eportfolio. I have added a ton of information that will be super helpful in the future. My eportfolio has a also helped me get a better understand of the topics because I am laying out the information. P.S. My favorite spread is my solar system one.


  1. Is there anything else you would like to share regarding how you feel things are going at this point in the class?

    1. I really enjoy the class and I was doing so well with the material and lectures, but sometimes life can be a little hectic and delay the progress a bit.