1. For what percent of our classes were you present for?

    1. 72%

  2. When you think back to your presence in class, what percent of the classes were you actively participatory in? (ie. not on your phone, talking, sleeping, etc.)

    1. When I was in class I was present about 99% of the time. I would only go on my phone when my family or job would text me and then I would put it back down.

  3. How many hours a week (on average), outside of class, did you study for/work on this class?

    1. I spent on average 8-10 hours a week on material for this class. This would include watching lecture, reviewing quiz, organizing my eportfolio, researching the topics and more.

  4. How many times during the semester did you directly interact with me on an individual level? (ie. coming and asking questions, getting clarification, an inbox message, etc.)

    1. I would not be able to say exactly how many times, but any time I had a question I would interact with you on an individual level. In class I could ask multiple questions or none. It just depended on the situation. I would also message on canvas inbox, but there was not much interaction there.

  5. How do you think that your participation with the class and me may have impacted your knowledge and growth in this class

    1. I believe the participation with the class and yourself impacted my knowledge because instead of just wondering about a question I would ask you. This helped because with some professors I am too nervous to ask them questions, but I did not feel that way in this class. This allowed me to grow my knowledge.


  1. How many of the practice work assignments did you get a "complete" on?

      1. On the practice assignment, I got a "complete" on 9/13

  2. How many of the practice work assignments did you get an "incomplete" on?

      1. I got an "incomplete" on 2 assignment

  3. How many of the practice work assignments did you not attempt?

      1. I attempted to work on 2 assignment but did not understand one and for the other I could not find my copy.

  4. How many of the assignments that you did submit were submitted on time? (usually 1 week)

      1. I believed I turned in only 1 assignment on time.

  5. When you look at those numbers above and your knowledge of topics, how do you think that your participation with the practice work impacted your knowledge?

      1. I believe the practice work impacted my knowledge by allowig me to display what I have learned. Even on the assignments I got an "incomplete" on, I believe it was a miscommunication but did not have time to address the assignment.


  1. How soon into the semester did you get your eportfolio url created and submitted to me?

      1. I got my Eportfoilio url created and submitted on the day it was due. I believe I went home the same day they were introduced and created the pages for each section.

  2. How many objectives did you get submitted and receive feedback on throughout the semester?

      1. I submitted 8 objectives and did not receive feedback on any. "Incomplete" was focused on my eportfolio display and not the objectives I had up. Objectives in my feedback were never mentioned.

  3. How many objectives did you complete within the last 3 weeks?

      1. Within the last 3 weeks I completed 5 objectives.

  4. When you look at the answers above and your final product, how do you feel your eportfolio turned out and the impact that the answers may have had on its quality?

      1. I think my eportfolio turned out okay. Originally I had a different concept on how I wanted my eportfolio to look. The way I originally had it set up was more beneficial for myself for the future. I had to change my formatting because I turned in the same eportfolio about 4 times and it did not pass until I did so.


  1. When you look at the overall class, the entire semester, what are you most proud of accomplishing during your time in this course?

      1. What I am most proud of accomplishing this semester is pushing through to the end. This semester has been very tough for my family and me. I am very proud at the level of information I retained. Since I would miss lecture, I would have to study twice as much to make up for the missed explanation.

  2. When you look at the overall class, the entire semester, what is it that you most wish you could change or do differently?

      1. When looking over the entire semester I wish I could change turning in my assigmets earlier, so I have more room for corrections.

  3. When you look at the overall class, the entire semester, what final grade would you give yourself based on your current knowledge of the class objectives?

      1. Based on my current knowledge of the class objectives, I would give myself an A- or B+. I did study a lot and research the topics to understand the material better. I did constantly explain the subjects to my classmates and feel I understand the concepts well.

  4. Do you think that your grade would match the grade I would give you? Why or why not?

      1. I am not sure if your grade would match mine, based on my attendance.


  1. Any last thoughts/reflections/comments on your personal work/participation/growth in this class?

      1. I do feel as if I retained a lot of information. I am looking forward to the science portion of Elementary School for the acitivites.