Global Environment Nexus for Innovative Urban System

GENIUS LAB is developing innovative technologies that can improve the quality of life by actively responding to climate change and maintaining a sustainable environment. Representatively, methods that can quantitatively calculate GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions that have a significant impact on climate change in order to realize carbon neutral at the city level, and a CCUS (Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage) technology that can capture and store CO2 or convert it into a useful resources. In addition, we are developing a system that can effectively control hazardous substances (e.g., fine dust, heavy metals, organic compounds, etc.) by understanding the their physicochemical properties and reaction mechanisms. Based on the above research topics, students are able to have a wide range of experiences from basic research at the molecular level to practical/commercial research for urban environmental systems.

[영상] 마이윌_염화콜린-요소 기반 DES를 활용한 이산화탄소 포집 기술 환경-경제성 향상 방법.mp4