Workshop in Gender and Family Economics

Cergy, June 23-24, 2022

CY Cergy Paris Université - CY THEMA is pleased to organize its first

Workshop in Gender and Family Economics.

The workshop will include regular presentations followed by discussions, to exchange in depth on results of on-going research in Gender and Family Economics.

Pierre-André Chiappori (Columbia University), Alfred Galichon (New York University), Catherine Guirkinger (Université de Namur) and Paola Profeta (Bocconi University) have kindly accepted to deliver keynote lectures.

The full program of the workshop is now available! You can download it here.


Participation in the workshop is free, and the lunches will be covered for all the participants. For organisational matters, registration to the event is compulsory. Registrations are now closed.


The workshop will take place on-site in CY Cergy Paris Université, 33 boulevard du Port, 95000 Cergy France at the Amphitheater Simone Veil in the Chênes 1 building.

You will find information to reach the university at this link. Click here to download a map indicating how to reach the Chênes 1 building from the Cergy Préfecture station (RER A, transilien L).


Please submit full papers in PDF format to The deadline for paper submissions is February 28, 2022. Notifications about acceptance will be sent by mid April 2022.

You can download the call for papers here.


Olivier Donni (CY Cergy Paris Université)

Rozenn Hotte (Université de Tours)

Stefania Marcassa (CY Cergy Paris Université)

Pauline Morault (CY Cergy Paris Université)

Margaux Suteau (CY Cergy Paris Université & Essec)

The workshop is supported by CY Cergy Paris Université (Labex MME-DII, CY Advanced Studies), FAMINEQ Projet-ANR-17-CE41-0007, and LeTSGEPS (H2020 R&I GA n.873072).