Join Our Chapter

Join Today!

For more information, contact our Membership Committee Chairperson, Victor Bianchetta, at (309) 944-6522 or via email at

We work for practical solutions that balance conservation with sustainable use of natural resources.

Want to help find common-sense solutions to today's environmental problems? Join the League as a national member to support our conservation and advocacy work.

Plus you'll receive these benefits:

  • Outdoor America magazine: The League's quarterly magazine includes award-winning conservation articles you won't read anywhere else, advocacy updates, and success stories from League members across the country.

  • E-news: News you can use each month to defend outdoor America, including Action Alerts on national legislation that affects your community.

  • Advocacy: The League is fighting for you – to protect clean water, conserve fish and wildlife habitat across the country, and provide access to places to enjoy outdoor recreation.

  • Networking: Tap into a network of League members with a range of conservation and outdoor recreation expertise.

  • National Convention: Our members-only annual meeting offers in-person networking as well as the opportunity to hear from world-class experts on environmental issues and be a part of setting the League's conservation priorities.

  • Scholarships: Each year, the Izaak Walton League awards one $2,500 scholarship to an undergraduate pursuing a degree in conservation and the environment. This student must be a League member or the child/grandchild of a League member. Additional Scholarships are available from the IWLA Illinois Division and this Chapter.

  • And the knowledge that you are supporting one of America's oldest conservation organizations – the only organization training volunteers to monitor and protect water quality nationwide.