About Generator Zen

Who or what is Generator Zen?

Generator Zen is one man plus his computer, keycontroller and a collection of synths. They are currently based somewhere over the rainbow in the Southern Hemisphere. 

What is in Generator Zen's studio?

Top secret but before you ask - no, Generator Zen has not (yet...) used Balalaikas, Ukuleles and Octobasses. Generator Zen, at this stage, prefers synths, plugins and other electronic gadgets.   

If you want to see a photo of Generator Zen's most used synthesizer, click here.

So Generator Zen's music is really free and I can share it with the world?

Yes. You can download all of Generator Zen's albums in 320 kbps mp3 format from this website (see Albums), listen to it as often (or as little...) as you want and share it (or not...) with all your friends. There are just two limitations:

I can also pay for Generator Zen's music. What's the deal?

Generator Zen's point of view is this: making music costs money, particularly when the gadgets need upgrading again, and if you really like what you hear, then why not support the creators of music (not only Generator Zen)? You can download some of Generator Zen's albums in lossless format over at Bandcamp. It's also cheap as chips and you even get a discount if you download everything! And if you belong to the cool kids who listen to music on tinny sounding phone speakers, you can even stream Generator Zen's songs via your favourite streaming service. But it's entirely up to you. 

And just so there is no confusion - you can even share the lossless files with all your friends. Copyright is sooo 1994...  

Why can't I download some of Generator Zen's albums and singles anymore?

The 'Spacebar' album was basically full of outtakes from the 'Hazardous Frequencies' recording sessions. The more worthwhile outtakes were re-released in one way or another as part of the 'Hazardous Frequencies - Expanded Edition' project, including ‘The Truth Behind Madness’ which had never seen the light of day before, so there is no need for the 'Spacebar' album anymore.

The tracks who did not make it onto the Expanded Edition, ‘Earth Song’ and ‘Recycle (Recycled Mix)’, are happily resting in the archives now. Although ‘Earth Song’ was significantly updated during the ‘Hazardous Frequencies’ recording sessions, it was never really meant for this project. The Recycled Mix of ‘Recycle’ was only used a couple of times during live performances in Canberra back in the day and is not a ‘proper’ remix (as in remix to release).

The 'Hazardous Frequencies' album was re-released in 2022 as an expanded edition so you can still download the songs plus a few more goodies thrown in for good measure. 

And what about the singles? Well, the singles are only released to please the machinery’s algorithms so that they don’t forget poor ol’ Generator Zen in between album releases (what are albums I hear you say...). They are just a bit of fun. If you like them, you can basically stream the songs anywhere and if you really must have mp3 copies, you can ask nicely… ;-)

Can I use Generator Zen songs in my podcast, video, student project etc.?

Yes, as long as you do not intend to make any coins with it. If you do, let Generator Zen know beforehand and see what can be done about it. 

Does Generator Zen play live and/or can I book Generator Zen for an event?

No, not at the moment.  

Does Generator Zen have any social media accounts? How can I contact Generator Zen?

Well, Generator Zen does not really use any social media platforms (other than YouTube). Generator Zen does have a Twitter account though and may or may not use it in the future... For contact details, see the footer of this website. 

What are Generator Zen's favourite jokes at the moment?

Guess who I bumped into on the way to the optometrist?  



It's really difficult to become a member of the local gymnastics club.

They make you bend over backwards to get in.


I tried to call the doctor's office because I think I might have tinnitus.

The phone just kept on ringing.