What is generator overhaul?

+256 750 614536

What is generator overhaul?

Overhauls involve work on the core of your engine – the area which isn’t touched at standard servicing. It’s a complex procedure and can include installation of new piston rings, bearings and gaskets plus boring out of the cylinders. Crankshafts and cylinder heads can either be replaced or reconditioned.  

There are a lot of smaller components, block heaters, battery chargers, batteries themselves that all need to be replaced.

For more information on commercial generator maintenance by overhauling, request a quote or give us a call at +256 750 614536

 For any further inquiries, mail or contact us

Office:  +256 (0)750614536

Phone:  +256 (0)784313767

Email: generatorserviceandrepair2@gmail.com 

YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCgDsYTVjYU4VOB9XD1ki6Lw

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/generator-service-and-repair

Website: https://generatorservicerepair.wordpress.com/