Kitchen Remodeling


Remodeling requires planning and strategy to get the best results. It is not a DIY project and requires expert and professional supervision. According to a survey conducted in Roswell GA, majority of DIY remodeling projects are just a waste of time, effort and money.

Hiring a licensed kitchen remodeling company will ensure the remodeling is done in the most efficient way possible. A professional is able to identify the ingredients and materials perfect for the job. Otherwise finding the right materials can be a back-breaker. The kitchen requires great precaution, as all the eatables are housed in that place.

The major part of remodeling the kitchen is the floor, countertop and cabinets. A professional will be able to assess the damage and conclude which parts needs to be replaced and which ones can be repaired. Remodeling the kitchen has long-term benefits therefore a licensed and certified remodeling company should be hired to get the best results.

How To Calculate Kitchen Remodeling Estimates?

The kitchen is the heart of our homes. It is no surprise that kitchen remodeling is the most popular among homeowners. The primary reason lies in the fact that renovating a kitchen is a definite ROI.

You can easily recoup 60%-120% of your investment in kitchen remodeling. The figures are only second best to the bathroom remodeling. Calculating a kitchen estimate depends on several factors such as the size of your kitchen and the changes you want.

On average American kitchen remodeling cost ranges from $4000- $58000. Typically a homeowner spends around $23000 on kitchen remodeling. The primary step in calculating the price is to look at the space. The costs are estimated per square foot of the space. You will be spending $75-$250 per square foot.

A small kitchen of about 70 square feet costs $5000-%10000 on average. A kitchen of 100-150 sq. ft costs $14000-$40000 depending on what you install.

Why Do You Need Professional Help For Kitchen Remodeling?

The kitchen is central to the family life. It is a place where the entire family gathers on a dining table and have conversations. This is precisely the reason why you should ensure to protect it. In case you have already been looking for a professional ‘kitchen remodeling near me in Marietta GA’, here are some more reasons for you to keep going unless you find someone who is capable of doing the job.

A lot of people go for a DIY remodeling for the kitchen. Resultantly, they end up worsening the situation. Here are a few reasons that make a professional kitchen remodeling a better idea as compared to the DIY.

Planned Operations

Planning is the most important component in a remodeling project. Everything needs to be sorted out in a proper order for it to be finished successfully. That’s what the professionals do. They make plans. They come visit your kitchen and then devise an entire plan as to how to proceed. Most individuals, however, have no idea about how the remodeling projects go on.

A careful and detailed plan is what sets professional remodelers apart from non-pro individuals.

Access To Right Tools

Aside from planning everything out in advance, a professional remodeler also has access to everything that it takes to carry out these plans. They work with all the right tools and equipment that are useful in getting the refurnishing done.

These tools are expensive. If you do the remodeling on your own, your cost may increase to a great degree as you might have to buy them anew. With professionals, however, you won’t be paying a lot of money as you already have a few things on your hands.


When you hire professionals to do the work, you get fully secured from the risks of accidents. Should an accident were to occur, the professional remodeler will cover you for it. That’s because a professional remodeler is fully insured. They can prevent you from any and all liability.

Instead of risking the safety of your property with a DIY, it’s better to hire a professional kitchen remodeling contractor for this purpose.


Unlike your expectations, the services of a professional kitchen remodeler can be obtained at reasonable prices. Since they have good contacts, the professionals can also help you get discount at various supply stores for the material.

In view of the above mentioned reasons, it is best that you hire a professional to do the job!