General Election 2020
February 8th 2020
"If a vote's worth having it's worth asking for"
Chris GlennonAnd when a candidate calls to your door or stops you in the street. Wouldn't it be great to be prepared?
Added January 23rd 2020 All Together in Dignity Promoted the following
Added January 23rd 2020
Launch of: Anti-racism Election Protocol 2020 #AREP20; Irish Network Against Racism (INAR)

Community Platform Manifesto.
Added January 23rd 2020 (Youth Work Ireland)
#GE2020 We have set out our 12 Points Plan for young people and youth services which we are asking the new government to implement, #youthworkworks
Added January 23rd
European Anti Poverty Network Manifesto for Election 2020

Added January 23rd
One Future is the people’s campaign aimed at reaching all political parties and candidates ahead of February 8th.
One Future, the people’s campaign for faster and fairer climate action, was launched this morning with a photocall on Sandymount Strand. This campaign is open to all civil society organizations and individuals to support if they are satisfied to endorse the One Future asks. One Future is supported by the Stop Climate Chaos coalition and already by a growing list of other groups and individuals. It's straightforward enough to sign up as an organisation by using the second form on this page. Check out One Future website for further details and please follow the campaign's social media channels on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
And here are some posts from this morning's launch event on Facebook and Twitter
Before you look to the Manifoesto's of others keep in mind the following:
Just a thought from the Leeds Justice & Peace Commission
The 160 members of the Dáil will be elected in 39 multi-member constituencies, each with between three and five seats, using the single transferable vote system in which voters rank candidates on their ballot papers. When the ballot papers are counted, an electoral quota is created by dividing the number of valid votes by the number of seats, plus one
Competition Time:
The prize is one bar of chocolate (divided if there is more than one winner!).
Can you guess the composition of the 33rd Dáil. Remember there are 160 TDs to be selected at the General Election on Feb 8th next. You can only enter once and entries on Feb 9th or after will not count!
You can enter here
At the last election this was the division of the seats. We have had a "confidence and supply" political arrangement with Fianna Fáil expressing confidence in the Fine Gael led government.
The difference in figures above and below is down to the 4 year difference and resignations, by elections etc.
What are the Issues that are exercising people at present?
Remember that we have declared a biodiversity and climate emergency.
(for example and in no particular order)
- Homelessness
- Housing / Rent / Housing Lists
- Health
- Climate Change / Climate Emergency
- National Childcare Scheme.
- Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Biodiversity Emergency.
- Direct Provision and treatment of Refugees / Asylum Seekers.
- Child and Adult Mental Heath Services (CAMHS). Poorly Funded and uneven spread of services throughout the country.
- School Secretaries (two tier group).
- People forced onto Means- Tested Job Seekers at 65 years of age when forced to retire (as per company policy) whilst their State Pension won't kick in until they become 67 years of age.
- Rural Broadband.
- Public Transport.
- Abolition of the Universal Social Charge.
- Moving Towards 0.7% of GNI Overseas Development Aid (ODA).
- Allowing for homes to sell electricity generated by their own solar panels back to the grid (Micro-Generation).
Remember when you ask your Ma for something and she said, "we'll see". What this often meant was "not a chance"
The following phrases are the "we'll see" equivalent.
.......... "transforming", "targeting", "reviewing", "strengthening", "emboldening", "critical of...", bringing to the cabinet table", "recommending" or "offering more / better....",
We need to know How and Why things can change. The language above is ambiguous and not definitive. Election time very often has us looking inwards at what we don't have or aren't getting. Social Justice Ireland have produced a wonderful post asking us to consider others during this coming election. They offer a very informative resource to keep us informed. See below.
While Ireland faces a number of challenges, including deficits in our public services and infrastructure, unacceptable rates of poverty, and high national debt, it is important to remember that many people in the world face a far worse situation. Read Social Justice Ireland's Election Briefing on Global South and ODA for more here from Social Justice Ireland.
The first full week of campaigning in the General Election begins. RTÉ Political Reporter Mary Regan and Political Correspondent Micheál Lehane join Colm Ó Mongáin for the Election 2020 Your Politics Podcast. In this edition Childcare, Pensions, a raffle and why a Club Senior Football Final beats Davos. Listen here
This Coalition 2030 Manifesto was prepared for the EU Elections and much of what it contains is just as pertinent now as it was 6 months ago (if not moreso). More here
SVP ask election candidates to support the introduction of a Poverty Reduction Act in next Dáil
More here
BirdWatch Ireland Publishes A Manifesto for Nature: More here
Ireland needs to reset its relationship with nature and prioritise safeguarding of ecosystems.
Ireland’s Biodiversity is in A & E