The Science


VIRION is a work of fiction, but the technology described in the plot is based on authentic science.

DNA ORIGAMI is a technique used to create three-dimensional molecular shapes at the nanoscale level. Because of the alignment properties of complementary base pairs in nucleic acids, DNA can be designed to fold into predetermined configurations. Researchers have employed this technology to create nanobots for drug delivery in living cells. Other applications are now under development.

CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is a system to precisely manipulate DNA sequences within living cells. Based on a molecular immune apparatus embedded in bacterial DNA, scientists have developed this tool for correcting genetic mutations. Applications of this technology are now targeting human diseases in clinical trials. CRISPR technology has the potential to treat a wide range of disorders that afflict the human species.

GENE TRANSFER methodology allows scientists to introduce exogenous DNA into living cells to alter their genetic programming. This includes modified viral vectors designed to carry functional genes, natural or otherwise, into living organisms—including humans.