A Large-Scale Grasping Dataset
for Multiple Dexterous Robotic Hands
MultiDex v1.0
MultiDex v1.0
We first collect a large-scale synthetic dataset for multiple hands with Differentiable Force Closure(DFC). It covers 436,000 diverse and stable grasps for 58 household objects from ContactDB and YCB datasets across 5 robotic hands:
Barrett Hand
Allegro Hand
A Walkthrough of MultiDex Dataset
A Walkthrough of MultiDex Dataset
Some samples from the dataset:
EZGripper + Clock
EZGripper + Apple
EZGripper + Binocular
EZGripper + Meat Can
Robotiq3F + Clock
Robotiq3F + Apple
Robotiq3F + Binocular
Robotiq3F + Mean Can
Shadow Hand + Clock
Shadow Hand + Apple
Shadow Hand + Binocular
Shadow Hand + Meat Can