Journal Articles

Deere, C.D. editor. ¿Casa propia? La autonomía económica de las mujeres en Ecuador. Quito: FLACSO Ecuador / Abya-Yala. (Collection of many of the project's published articles translated into Spanish.)

Doss, C.R., H. Swaminathan, C.D. Deere, Suchitra J.Y., A.D. Oduro, and B. Anglade. 2020. Women, assets, and formal savings: A comparative analysis of Ecuador, Ghana and India. Development Policy Review, 38:2, 180-205.

Doss, C.R., C.D. Deere, A.D. Oduro, H. Swaminathan, Z. Catanzarite, and Suchitra J.Y. 2019. Gendered Paths to Asset Accumulation? Markets, Savings and Credit in Developing Countries. Feminist Economics 25(2): 36-66.

Hillesland, M. 2019. Investigating the gender wealth gap in Ghana, Oxford Development Studies, 47:1, 63-78.

Hillesland, M. 2019. Gender differences in risk behavior: An analysis of asset allocation decisions in Ghana. World Development 117: 127-137. Oduro, A.D. and C.R. Doss. Changing Patterns of Wealth Distribution: Evidence from Ghana.

Doss, C.R., Z. Catanzarite, H. Swaminathan, W. Baah-Boateng, C.D. Deere, L. Boake-Yiadom, and Suchitra J.Y. 2018. Do Men and Women Estimate Property Values Differently? World Development 107:75-86.

Doss, C.R., A.D. Oduro, C.D. Deere, H. Swaminathan, W. Baah-Boateng and Suchitra J.Y. 2017. Assets and Shocks: A gendered analysis of Ecuador, Ghana and Karnataka, India. Canadian Journal of Development Studies.

Anglade, B., P. Useche, and C.D. Deere. 2017. Decomposing the Gender Wealth Gap in Ecuador. World Development, 96: 19-31.

Deere, C.D. and Z.B. Catanzarite. 2017. “Who Borrows to Accumulate Assets? Class, Gender and Indebtedness in Ecuador’s Credit Market.” CEPAL Review #122. Also, ¿Quién obtiene préstamos para acumular activos? Clase, género y endeudamiento en el mercado crediticio del Ecuador.

Deere, C.D. and G. Alvarado. Fall 2016. “Asset Accumulation through International Migration. Gender, Remittances and Decision Making in Ecuador.” Latin American Research Review, Vol. 51 (4).

Lahoti, R., Suchitra, JY and H. Swaminathan. Jan. 2016. “Not in her Name: Women's Property Ownership In India.” Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 51, Issue No. 5.

Oduro, Abena D. 2015. "Ownership of Place of Residence in Ghana: A Gender Analysis." Journal of African Development, 17(1):17-44.

Oduro, Abena D., Carmen Diana Deere and Zachary Catanzarite. 2015. “Women’s Wealth and Intimate Partner Violence: Insights from Ecuador and Ghana.” Feminist Economics 21 (2): 1-29.

Twyman, Jenifer, Pilar Useche and Carmen Diana Deere. 2015. “Gendered Perceptions of Land Ownership and Agricultural Decision-making in Ecuador.” Land Economics 91 (3): 479-500.

Doss, Cheryl R., Carmen Diana Deere, Abena D. Oduro and Hema Swaminathan. The Gender Asset and Wealth Gaps. Development, 57(3-4): 400-09. 2014.

Vijaya, Ramya, Rahul Lahoti and Hema Swaminathan. 2014. "Moving from the Household to the Individual: Multidimensional Poverty Analysis”. 2014. World Development, 59 pp: 71-80.

Deere, Carmen Diana and Zachary B. Catanzarite. 2014. "Measuring the Intra-Household Distribution of Wealth in Ecuador: Qualitative Insights and Quantitative Outcomes." In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Heterodox Economics.

Deere, Carmen Diana, Jackeline Contreras and Jennifer Twyman. 2014. “Género, estado civil y la acumulación de activos en el Ecuador: una mirada a la violencia patrimonial.” Eutopía, No. 5: 93-119.

Deere, Carmen Diana and Jennifer Twyman. 2014. “¿Quién toma las decisiones agrícolas? Mujeres propietarias en Ecuador.” Agricultura, Sociedad y Desarollo, No. 11: 425-440.

Deere, C.D., J. Contreras and J. Twyman. 2014. “Patrimonial Violence: A Study of Women’s Property Rights in Ecuador.” Latin American Perspectives, Vol. 41 (1): 143-65.

Oduro, Abena D., Louis Boakye-Yiadom. 2014. "Gender, Migrant Remittances and Asset Acquisition in Ghana" Ghana Social Science Journal. 11(1):1-25

Oduro, A.D., L.Boakye-Yiadom, & W. Baah-Boateng. 2014. Asset Ownership among Rural and Urban Women in Ghana. In D.K. Twerefour, P. Quartey, L. Boakye-Yiadom & W. Baah-Boateng (Eds.) Readings on Key Economic Issues in Ghana. University of Ghana Readers, Accra: Digibooks, pp.76-97.

Deere, Carmen Diana, Abena D. Oduro, Hema Swaminathan and Cheryl Doss. 2013. "Property Rights and the Gender Distribution of Wealth in Ecuador, Ghana and India." Journal of Economic Inequality, 11:249-265.

Deere, Carmen Diana and Jennifer Twyman. 2012. "Asset Ownership and Egalitarian Decision-Making in Dual-Headed Households in Ecuador." Review of Radical Political Economy, 44 (3): 313-320.

Doss, Cheryl, Carmen Diana Deere, Abena D. Oduro, Hema Swaminathan, Suchitra J. Y., Rahul Lahoti, W. Baah-Boateng, L. Boakye-Yiadom, Jackeline Contreras, Jennifer Twyman, Zachary Catanzarite, Caren Grown and Marya Hillesland. 2012. Las Brechas de Género en los Activos y en la Riqueza: Evidencia de Ecuador, Ghana y Karnataka, India. In A. Butto, I. Dantas, and K. Hora (cords.), As Mulheres nas Estatísticas Agropecuárias: Experiencias em Países do Sul. Brasilia: Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrario, pp. 14-39.

Swaminathan, Hema, Rahul Lahoti and Suchitra J.Y. 2012." Gender Asset and Wealth Gaps: Evidence from Karnataka." Economic and Political Weekly. XLVII (35) pp. 59-67.

Deere, Carmen Diana, Jackeline Contreras and Jennifer Twyman. 2010. Property Rights and Women’s Accumulation of Assets Over the Life Cycle: Patrimonial Violence in Ecuador. ALASRU Nueva época. Análisis latinoamericana del medio rural, No. 5, 2010: 135-176.