Cyber Connections

What is Cyber Connections?

Cyber Connections is a program that connects TU students with 6th-12th grade students and teachers with the goal of sparking interest in the field of cyber security. Cyber Connections uses a near-peer mentoring model, which gives 6th- 12th grade students an opportunity to connect with someone close in age and experience with the goal of learning more about cyber security. Once a TU student and GenCyber teacher are connected, the TU student will virtually join the teacher’s classroom to give a prepared presentation to 6th-12th grade students. 

What can I expect from a Cyber Connections Presentation? 

Cyber Connections presentations are customizable in content and length. GenCyber teachers can indicate the type of content they’d like in the presentation. Available topics include:

GenCyber teachers can also choose the length of the session; our speakers can prepare a 15-, 30-, 45-, or 60-minute session. 

Who are the Cyber Connection Fellows?

Click here to get to know more about the TU students who have served as Cyber Connection Fellows in the past. We'll be recuiting a new cohort of Fellows in August/September of this year. TU Center for STEM Excellence staff will match Cyber Connection Fellows with classroom teachers based on availability and scheduling. Due to limitations with respect to class schedules, it’s not possible to request specific Fellows for your virtual visit.

I’m ready to book my Cyber Connections session! What should I do? 

You can book Cyber Connection Fellows beginning October 1, 2024.  Our booking form will be posted here. You'll want to book at least 2 weeks in advance of when you hope to have a speaker join your class(es). We understand that sometimes you may have a last minute opening in your schedule; we will do our best to schedule requests for sessions with less than 2 weeks notice but cannot guarantee availability.


Kara Berger (