Meeting Resources

GEG SoCal's YouTube Channel

GEG SoCal August 2022

August/September Monthly Meetup Topic: Back to School, International Collaboration

August/September Monthly Meetup Recor

Applied Digital Skills - GEG SoCal Anniversary

July Monthly Meetup: Our 2nd Anniversary & Google Applied Digital Skills (not recorded)

June 7th, 2022

June Monthly Meetup Topic:
Google Sheets

June Monthly Meetup Recording

May 3, 2022

May Monthly Meetup Topic:
Google Forms

May Monthly Meetup Recording

April 5, 2022

April Monthly Meetup Topic:
Google Calendar

April Monthly Meetup Recording

March 2022

March Monthly Meetup Topic:

Google Slides

March Monthly Meetup Recording

Feb. 2022

February Monthly Meetup Topic: Google Docs

February Monthly Meetup Recording

December Meeting 2021

December Monthly Meetup Topic: Holiday Game Night!

December Monthly Meetup Recording

November 2, 2021 Monthly Meetup

November Monthly Meetup Topic: Tech Tools We're Thankful For

November Monthly Meetup Recording

October 5, 2021 Monthly Meetup

October Monthly Meetup Topic:
Digital Citizenship

October Monthly Meetup Recording

August 31, 2021 Monthly Meetup

August Monthly Meetup Topic: Get Organized with Google Workspace

August Monthly Meetup Recording

July 6, 2021 Monthly Meetup

July Monthly Meetup Topic: Become a Level 2 Certified Educator!

July Monthly Meetup Recording

June 1, 2021 Monthly Meetup

June Monthly Meetup Topic: Become a Level 1 Certified Educator!

June Monthly Meetup Recording

May 4, 2021

May Monthly Meetup Topic: Tara Linney & SEL for Educators & Students

May Monthly Meetup Recording

April 6, 2021

April Monthly Meetup Topic: Lisa Nowakowski and MathReps

April Monthly Meetup Recording

March 2, 2021

March Monthly Meetup Topic: Andrea Earl and EduProtocols

March Monthly Meetup Recording

February 2, 2021

February Monthly Meetup Topic: Trevor Angood & (In)Formal Assessments

February Monthly Meetup Recording

December Meeting SD

December Monthly Meetup Topic:

Member Share Out of Favorite

Chrome Extensions & Add-Ons

December Monthly Meetup Recording

November 20

November Monthly Meetup Topic:

Dr. Matt Rhoads &

Navigating the Toggled Term

November Monthly Meetup Recording

October Meeting

October Monthly Meetup Topic:

Nefertiti Dukes & Screencastify

October Monthly Meetup Recording

September Monthly Meeting

September Monthly Meetup Topic:

Ralph Krauss & Impactful EduTainment

September Monthly Meetup Recording

August Monthly Meet

August Monthly Meetup Topic:

Getting to Know the GEG SoCal Community

August Monthly Meetup Recording

So Cal Launch 7/9/20

GEG SoCal Launch

GEG SoCal Launch Recording