
Thrilled to announce one more chapter of Google Educator Group in India, GEG DARJEELING, launched on 9th October 2021 at 5.00 pm IST.

GEG Darjeeling PROMO flyer
ppt launch.pptx

1st Professional Development Programme of GEG Darjeeling

Session experts will explore the various Google Certifications and discuss the versatility of Google Docs.


1st Round Table of GEG Darjeeling

Join our guests discussing opening of Schools in West Bengal from 16th of November,2021.


RT 2 Promo.pdf

2nd Round Table of GEG DARJEELING

Join the panel reviewing the plan envisaged in the 1st Round Table regarding opening of Schools in West Bengal from 16th of November, 2021.

link : http://meet.google.com/xxd-fkhm-rgk

You can also watch it on YouTube : https://youtu.be/4nJH45RC43M

2nd Professional Development Programme of GEG DARJEELING

meet link : http://meet.google.com/kgr-qntn-otp

Learn to create your own google site, in Bengali

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/ZpdAJh-IkkI

3rd Round Table of GEG DARJEELING

Join our panel discussing in the School, on the Job issues on the 20th of November, 2021 at 07:00 p.m. (IST)

Google Meet Link: http://meet.google.com/wbm-pbbk-bra

YouTube Video link: https://youtu.be/6jDPAXCQDM0

3rd Professional Development of GEG Darjeeling

Magical GMAIL is where you will be introduced how to send PERSONALISED letters in Bengali....

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/8_gwl0Za2P0

4th Round Table of GEG DARJEELING


YouTube Video Link: https://youtu.be/9Thdf2FySLk

5th Round Table of GEG DARJEELING

Bridging the Learning Loss Blended Classrooms & Hybrid Workspace : Issues in Perspective

YouTube Video Link: https://youtu.be/uvIVLPg2VbI

4th Professional Development of GEG Darjeeling

Fundamentals of Google Slides

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/zX0KnkHG12g

5th Professional Development of GEG Darjeeling

Google Sheets are a great way to work in collaboration with any set of data. Schools often have to deal with huge amount of data and this spreadsheet programme offered by Google is free and web based; giving the opportunity to collaborate.

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/8_gwl0Za2P0

6th Professional Development of GEG Darjeeling

First of the series of three, this video introduces the viewers to the wonder that Google Forms be and guide them gradually how this particular tech tool can be developed into a learning - teaching aid. The video is in simple Bengali Language for easy understanding.

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/eUfcCS322no

7th P D Session of GEG Darjeeling

In this wonderful session, the founder leader of GEG Darjeeling has introduced the viewers to the wonderful world of MMTS and its application in 21st Century Classrooms.

The viewers can, through this hands on training imparted in Bengali language, create an MMTS for their learners for whom the screen of the device has replaced the blackboard.

YouTube Video Link: https://youtu.be/zeSCIe9oRJk

8th PD Session of GEG Darjeeling

Educators are required to create report cards to track their learners' progress. In this PD Session, the 8th from GEG Darjeeling, the viewers will be introduced to a smart technique where they can create and design report cards with existing data in any spreadsheet... Absolutely Free!!

YouTube Video Link: https://youtu.be/7kRE79aiCX0

1st Anniversary Celebration

watch it on our YouTube Channel...


How to apply online for Primary TET 2022

watch it on our YouTube Channel and get answers to all your queries related to the technicalitie of applying online for TET 2022
