YOLO object detection with OpenCV

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the YOLO object detector to detect objects in both images and video streams using Deep Learning, OpenCV, and Python.

By applying object detection, you’ll not only be able to determine what is in an image, but also where a given object resides!

We’ll start with a brief discussion of the YOLO object detector, including how the object detector works.

From there we’ll use OpenCV, Python, and deep learning to:

  1. Apply the YOLO object detector to images
  2. Apply YOLO to video streams

We’ll wrap up the tutorial by discussing some of the limitations and drawbacks of the YOLO object detector

In the rest of this tutorial we’ll:

  • Discuss the YOLO object detector model and architecture
  • Utilize YOLO to detect objects in images
  • Apply YOLO to detect objects in video streams
  • Discuss some of the limitations and drawbacks of the YOLO object detector

Let’s dive in!