Althea's Story

Althea's Story

My story is about my baby Althea and how she rescued me. My baby girl Athena ( which she was also a rescue) passed away at 7 years old from a bleed that was not found. I was devastated she came home with me and I was told to bring her back that Friday and this was on a Monday I took her to the vet. I woke up the next morning and she had passed …my world, my baby, my heart and she was gone. I cried all the time and my heart was broken. She was my fur baby and she was gone ! I am a nurse and I know loss but it was too soon to lose her and my world just stopped. I was just existing. There are those that say “ oh they are just a dog or just an animal” no they are family !

So I about 6 weeks later I found myself looking for a new puppy or dog. I felt guilty though as I felt I was betraying my Athena. But I realized she would want me to give another doggie a good home. I cried and prayed about it as I felt tugs at my heart strings. I went to Friendship APL in Elyria and the staff explained the process and told me to go ahead and look at the dogs and puppies and write down which ones I would like to see. I looked and found a few ( although I wanted to take them all as well as the bunnies and kitties too) and I filled out my application and you are assigned a number. I was waiting in the room for them to call my number to look at the pups I chose and they called numbers before mine and after and I found myself alone in this room with my thoughts and my broken heart and I began to cry. In walks this lady carting food and drinks and I asked if she needed any help and she politely said no and proceeded to talk to me. She asked about me and adopting a puppy. I told her my story about losing my Athena as the tears in my eyes began again. I wiped my tears I was fighting and explained to her I hope to take a pup home today. She wished me luck and she then gave me her number and said she is a foster and works with GMDAP and if I was unable to adopt today to call her. Well one of the staff at Friendship APL walked in and told me all the puppies at the shelter have been adopted. I was happy and sad and left crying again. I called the lady who gave me her number and I explained I was not able to adopt today as all the pups have found their furever home. She said she would reach out to her foster moms and give them my number. In a matter of a few hours I received several texts with pictures of the puppies and well I fell in love with my baby girl Althea ( her other name was Mikia). The foster mom contacted me and I asked if I could visit and she graciously said yes ! I visited often and loved Althea from the first moment I laid eyes on her. I became a foster mom too! I still cry for my other baby Athena but I know she is watching over me and Althea and she knows I will see her someday and we can all play together in Heaven .

This is my story but only the beginning of all the good times I will have and have had with my baby girl Althea.