Selected Projects

College of Design Option Studio
Work in Progress Showcase - Event Branding and Design

College of Design
Ana Luz, Director of Innovation Programs at Iowa State University

Design Team:

Lucy Hawblitzel

Megan Qualley

Emery Cutberth

Mekena Little

John Marquis

Design Advisor:

Alex Braidwood

Ames History Museum.
Know History. Build a Better Future.
Public Art Mural & Augemented Reality Experience

Ames History Museum

Design Lead:

Darbi Shaw

People illustrations by:

Darbi Shaw

John Marquis

Additional contributions by:

Helen Barton

Barsha Poudel

Oni Write

Design Advisor:
Alex Braidwood

In collaboration with the Ames History Museum, the Graphic Design Social Club designed a 20 ft x 8 ft to hang on the side of the Museum in Downtown Ames to celebrate key Black figures from Ames' history.

In addition to the printed banner, the project included an Augmented Reality layer that allows viewer to watch a motion graphics piece explaining more about who each person featured on the banner is and the contribution they made to Ames.

The project involved students from all 3 levels of the undergrad program.

Read more about the project here:

Viewing the AR layer via the Artivive app

Ames History Museum
Graphic Design Social Club

Center for Communication Excellence

Iowa State University

Grad College

Design Lead:

Hannah Brus

Additional contributions by:

Kate Morrissey

Gage Schuling

Jaydon Pond

Complete re-branding of the Center for Communication Excellence, part of the Iowa State University Grad College.

Zine Workshops