Workshop GDR Jeux - CRESE, Besançon
``Cooperative models in games and social choice''
We are pleased to announce this workshop supported by GDR Jeux, which will take place on November 24-25, 2022 at Centre de REcherche sur les Stratégies Economiques (CRESE, EA 3190), Besançon.
The event will gather world-wide researchers in game theory and social choice theory.
Participation is free, however it is necessary to register by sending a message to Sylvain Béal.
The workshop takes place at
Maison de la COMUE (Amphi UBFC)
32 Av. de l'Observatoire, 25000 Besançon
How to get there:
From the city center of Besançon, the easiest way is to take the L3 bus line from direction Pole Temis from stop "8 septembre" to "IUT" stop (see the map below).
The journey lasts 15 minutes and the frequency is one bus every 10 minutes on average.