GDPR advice small business

Boru Privacy is a Data Protection Consultancy GDPR schools, data privacy start-up Ireland. GDPR compliance is a challenge for all organizations regardless of size. We assess how personal data is collected and within your organisation. We evaluate your processing operations against the requirements of data privacy legislation.We present the results in a clear report which details your level of compliance and provide a road map of any activities needed to be taken in order to strengthen your compliance efforts. We provide realistic and industry-informed advice to effectively manage your privacy obligations; all in the context of your risk appetite and specific resources. We also advise you on the steps that can be taken in order to minimise the likelihood of regulatory intervention GDPR advice small business.

Data privacy Munster Ireland, data protection Limerick Ireland, data breach advice Ireland, Data Protection Officer Ireland, data security Ireland and GDPR support Ireland. Our team - Yvonne Moloney, Founder and Principal Consultant. Pat O’ Hora, Technology Consultant Depending on the nature of any given engagement we may bring on board Pat data privacy Munster Ireland.

We share news about Data Protection training in Ireland. data protection Limerick Ireland We offer remote or in person training for your staff to suit your individual needs. Contact us in confidence by completing the below form. GDPR compliance is a challenge for all organizations regardless of size. The regulation is complex but we are here to navigate you though what can seem like a mine field.

Data privacy Munster Ireland, data protection Limerick Ireland, data breach advice Ireland, Data Protection Officer Ireland, data security Ireland and GDPR support Ireland.
