MY research


“Institutional quality and health outcomes” (2023)- (joint work with Domenico Lisi, Marco Martorana and Luigi Siciliani) in Handbook on the Political Economy of Health Systems, edited by Joan Costa-Font, Alberto Batinti and Gilberto Turati, Edward Elgar Publishing. 

With a Little Help from My Friends: Political Competition in the Shadow of Organized Crime” (2023) – (joint with P. Accardo, and G. De Feo) - Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 227, pp. 104998.

Organised Crime, Elections and Public Policies” (2022) – (joint with P. Accardo, and G. De Feo) in A Modern Guide to the Economics of Crime, edited by P. Buonanno, P. Vanin, and J.F. Vargas, Edward Elgar Publishing.

War, Socialism, and the Rise of Fascism: an Empirical Exploration” (2022) – (joint with D. Acemoglu, G. De Feo, and G. Russo) - Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 137 (2), pp. 1233-1296.

“Does Higher Institutional Quality Improve the Appriopriateness of Healthcare Provision?” (2021) (joint with D. Lisi, M. Martorana, and L. Siciliani) - Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 194, pp. 104356.

“Weak States: Causes and Consequences of the Sicilian Mafia” (2020) – (joint with D. Acemoglu, and G. De Feo) - Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 87 (2), pp. 537-581.

“Ethnic Favoritism: an Axiom of Politics?” (2018) – (joint with R. Hodler, P. Raschky, and M. Valsecchi) Journal of Development Economics, Vol 132, pp. 115-129. 

“Can Violence Harm Cooperation? Experimental Evidence” (2018) – (joint with D. Spengler and P. Sekeris) Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 90, pp. 342-357.

“Violence, Selection and Infant Mortality in Congo” (2018) - (joint work with O. Dagnelie and J.F. Maystadt) Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 59, pp. 153-177.

“Beyond Divide and Rule: Weak Dictators, Natural Resources and Civil Conflict” (2018) – (joint work with P. Sekeris and J. Vargas) European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 53, pp. 205-221.

“Mafia in the Ballot Box” (2017) – (joint work with Giuseppe De Feo) - American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol. 9, pp. 134-67.

“Civil War, Social Capital and Resilience in Uganda” (2015) – (joint work with M. Verpoorten) - Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 67, pp. 661-686.

“Civil War and Political Participation: Evidence from the Ugandan Case” (2014) – (joint work with M. Verpoorten) – Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 64(1), pp. 113-141.

“Electoral Registration and the Control of Votes: the Case of Chile” (2014)Electoral Studies, Vol. 34, pp. 159-166.

“Mineral Resources and Conflicts in DRC: A Case of Ecological Fallacy?” (2014) – (joint with J.F. Maystadt, P. Sekeris, and J. Ulimwengu) – Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 66, Number 3, pp. 721-749.

“Growth-Friendly Dictatorships” (2015) – (joint  with A. Litina and P. Sekeris) – Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 43, pp. 98-111.

“Cultural Differences, Assimilation and Behavior: Player Nationality and Penalties in Football” (2015) (joint work with J. Schokkaert and J. Swinnen) –  Journal of Sports Economics, Vol. 16, pp. 508-530.

“Deterrence in Contests” (2013) (joint work with Petros Sekeris), Economica, Vol. 80, Issue 317, pp. 171–189.

“Land Inequality and Conflict Intensity” (2012) (joint with P. Sekeris), Public Choice, Vol. 150, Numbers 1-2, pp. 119–135.


“Islamic Politics and Local Development. Evidence from Indonesia” (joint with J. Rezki).

Twitter and the Brexit Referendum (joint with T. Huning and P. Santos Monteiro).

Elections for sale: Evidence from Italy (joint with G. De Feo, M. Gara, and M. Siino).

“The good connections. A network analysis of organised crime, patronage, and local elites”