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Book Request

(Form for Requests)

Future Ready Librarians


~ Teacher Role

A teacher librarian increases student achievement when encouraging students in becoming enthusiastic lifelong readers, promoting successful collaboration with peers, and providing a safe place where students feel comfortable to share and learn.

Book RequestForm
­­­­Revolving Readers Historical Event - 4 Qsets
Elementary Book Trailers

~ Instructional Partner Role  ~

A teacher librarian works together with teachers as an instructional partner by collaborating to create valuable learning activities, assisting with teaching technology and digital citizenship components of 21st-century skills, and establishing relationships that build respect, confidentiality, and trust.

Cubelets Directions
Collaborative Text Set
Annotated Bibliography Plus Guided Inquiry
Booktrailer Creepy Underwear
Endangered Animals Inquiry Unit

~ Leadership Role

As a leader in education, a teacher librarian serves on committees and leadership positions within the school district, fosters relationships by understanding the difficulties and opportunities facing the profession, and listens to and utilizes good ideas from teachers and learners.

Our teacher librarian (Kristi Chance) serves as a Lead Teacher for the elementary building, co-teacher for the Building Capacity Beginning Teachers class of first year teachers, the Guthrie Center Elementary 504 Plan Coordinator, Building Assistance Team Coordinator, Guthrie Center Education Association Representative, serves with the School Improvement Advisory Committee, the Articulation Committee, and the Tier 1 and Tier 2 Behavior Support Team Committees.

For more information, click the Leadership Role link above.

~ Information Specialist Role ~

A teacher librarian protects copyright and fair use laws, shares and models new educational technologies, and promotes strategies for finding, assessing, and using information.

YA Selection Tools Review
GC Elem 600s Analysis & Purchase Request
Website Comparison