Consumer Electronics as Real Estate Tech

An organized session (OS-RET) at IEEE GCCE2019

Oct 16 2019, 9:40 - 11:40, Senri Life Science Center, Osaka, Japan

Real estate industries, which are essential for our daily life, are one of the frontiers of digitization. Although most of real estate business is currently operated by human labor, innovations based on various information technologies are drastically changing the real estate industries. Especially, consumer electronics technologies, including user interfaces, user experience, virtual reality, augmented reality, home networks and services, mobile computing and communications, and smart houses, are spreading rapidly. However, there are still a lot of research challenges to be tackled, e.g.,quality, costs, sensitivity, diversity, and attractiveness. The purpose of this organized session is to share, discuss, and encourage research challenges on consumer electronics technologies in real estate industries.


Sep 27, 2019

Technical Program of IEEE GCCE2019 has been published below.

The persentation guidelines are shown below.

June 4, 2019

Entry Deadline for Submission is extended from June 3 to June 10! The Submission deadline for 2-pages Short Paper is also June 10.

May 29, 2019

Entry Deadline for Submission is extended from May 27 to June 3, and 2-pages Short Paper Submission is extended to June 10!

May 9, 2019

Review paper submission deadline is extended from May 7 to May 27!

March 14, 2019

This website was opened, and Call for Papers was released.

