SMP Rock Live

Welcome to the official page of CMP Earth Rock Live. We are a private Minecraft server designated to only known people of the creators or alpha testers.


Tibet takes notice in the Hong Kong protests

The Central Administration of the Tibet Republic takes notice of the Hong Kong protest and the Dalai Lama mentioned it in his monthly speech over media.

Hong Kong Commonwealth of Japan struggles with protests and rebellions

Ever since Japan has initiated strict martial law in it's lands, many Hong Kongers protested against the idea due to being treated worse than the Korean Republic. Rebellions appeared everywhere in the Hong Kong area. Many are hoping to gain attention from China, Mongolia, and Tibet.

United East Republic of Japan increases military power

As a respond to the UFAS (United Federation of the American States) upgrading their military power on December 18th, Japan decides to also increase their military power from helps of Soviet Russia and the Chinese Republic.

The Korean Republic of Japan establishes 'KPOP'

The Socialist Worker's Party as the head for the Korean government have agreed to initiate the "Korean's Psalm of Propaganda" in order to lift up the citizens' mood and to spread socialist propaganda over the world.

UIFM transforms into UNO

The members has agree to change their name and flag due to a popular vote of calling "factions" "nations" instead of "factions." UNO stands for "United Nations Organization."


United Federation of North Atlantic formed

The group was shortly created after AUA was created. In this organization, nations come from the North Atlantic area.


  • United Federation of American States
  • American Democratic Republic of Mae
  • United Reich of European States
  • 11/28/19

Allied Union of Asia formed

The Eastern Republic decides to transform the IFF into the AUA when most players claimed parts of Asia. The Eastern Republic split into Republic of China and Taoyuan Eastern Republic.


  • Republic of China
  • Taoyuan Eastern Republic
  • Imperial Union of East Asia
  • Union of Russian Socialist Republic


UIFM rules that the next map would be the Earth map

The people at UIFM held a vote for Earth map as the next map for SMP Rock Live.


"International Federation of Factions" has been created

The Eastern Republic has concluded to form a new alliance union with other factions after the future reset. They would be testing whether it would work. This is NOT part of the UIFM.


PSl found guilty

Even with the Mono Insula exaggerated claim, UIFM still found illegal warfare products in its bases. The officials of the base have been executed and banned.


Reset of the server coming soon

The reset has been confirmed by UIFM, the reset will occure 11/30/19. The following week has been declared anarchy week.


Is Mono Insula stretching facts of the trial?

Mono Insula was the faction that accused PSL of duping and reported it to UIFM. An investigations has been held by UIFM in PSL locations. So far, the truth is very far from what Mono Insula accuses. It has been known that there is currently a bitter tension between the two nations since PSL is one of the best faction out there while Mono Insula is slowly coming to anarchy after the Great War.11/23/19

Septa Luna held trial

PSL or Populi Septimanarum Lunarum has been accused of duping significant weapons such as Notch apples, wither materials, etc. They will be given a fair trial so they can speak for their actions. If they have not accept the trial, they shall be accused of anti-SMP behavior and shall be executed and banned.


United International Faction Ministry

The server council has voted to initiate the United International Faction Ministry to sought strong regulations and commitment from each faction who are willing to join the UIFM. This will be a new regime to regulate the server with a great future.


Website is fully launched!

The council has decided to open a website for the small server, SMP Rock Live. Here, we will post announcements and recent news relating to the server! Enjoy!
