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It is hoped that the present little work will prove to be just what such mothers want--a little helper in the difficult task of instructing and training their growing daughters, since it places on the mother's lips the exact words to use in imparting the necessary information. There is the more reason for this hope inasmuch as these instructions have actually been used by a mother over a period of years, with most satisfactory results, in instructing her two daughters; and many other women who were permitted to read them--single women and mothers as well as nuns--have expressed the wish that they would soon be published and made available for the use of mothers everywhere.

It may seem to some that the information imparted in this little booklet, and especially in Part One of it, is inadequate, and that the girl of thirteen or fourteen might just as well be told the whole truth with all details. Those who hold that opinion are probably unaware that even in these days of enlightenment girls can get along very well with very little knowledge about sex, as numerous examples prove. It may be true, indeed, that many, possibly even most, girls of sixteen in our day have acquired more information about sex than is given in this entire treatise. Yet it is more than likely that the reason why they obtained so much information (usually from all kinds of improper sources) was that their mothers did not instruct them and, by gradually satisfying their legitimate curiosity and retaining their confidence, did not preclude the uneasy desire to find out more.

The chief reason, however, why so little biological information was included in this work is that it seemed desirable to keep the subject on as high a plane as possible; and that could not be done by ap-proaching the subject from a biological or botanical angle, as if man were merely a somewhat more perfect animal and not rather just a little below the angels. Only by constantly referring to the fact that man is the work of God, and that every detail of his origin and development has been ordained by God's infinite wisdom, can one succeed in making the child realize that God alone is the author and master of life and therefore that all the processes of life are as sacred as they are mysterious and admirable.

So now you know how God creates little children; and you can now understand, too, why a mother loves her child so much; since the child's body was formed out of her own substance and fed with milk at its mother's breast. But now listen, my dear. You were never told about this before, because the creation of a child is something so wonderful that a girl is usually not told about it until she is old enough to appreciate it. Then, too, it is a very mysterious and sacred subject which girls should not talk about among themselves; and you are now supposed to be old enough and wise enough to keep this information for yourself and to speak of it with no one but your mother. As time goes on, you will be given further instructions on this subject and other subjects; and you need not hesitate to ask your mother any questions that come to your mind. She knows you and loves you; therefore trust her absolutely, and she will tell you all that you should know at the proper time.

In the instruction I gave you some time ago, I explained to you that Our Lord was conceived in His Blessed Mother's womb on the day of the Annunciation. From that day until He was born, Jesus lay hidden away beneath His Mother's heart. If you recall how happy you were the first time you received Jesus in Holy Communion, you can imagine how much greater must have been the joy that Mary felt. For when you receive Jesus in Holy Communion, He remains with you only a short time; but He remained with Mary for nine months, so that during all that time Mary knew that, no matter where she went or what she did, whether working or praying, waking or sleeping, she had little Jesus within Her.

As Mary carried Jesus under her heart for nine months, so Mary, too, had been carried in like manner for the same length of time by St. Ann. You will find, therefore, if you count the months, that also exactly nine months elapsed between the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin and her Nativity, since the former is celebrated on December 8, and the latter on September 8. It may be well to remind you here what is meant by the Immaculate Conception. When other children are conceived, their souls are stained with original sin; but because God created Mary's soul in the state of sanctifying grace, we say that she was conceived without sin, or that her Conception was immaculate. It is to honor the great privilege of Mary's Immaculate Conception that the Church has attached an indulgence of three hundred days to the little prayer: "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."

Even when you were still a little child you noticed the difference between persons of different ages. You noticed that some were mere babies; others were children; others, young men and young women; and still others were grown-up and elderly men and women. It did not take long for you to realize that the difference in these various persons was due to age and growth; and so you soon began to speak about your own growing up and what you would do or be when you were grown-up or when you "got big.

As menstruation is a perfectly natural function, which all normal women experience from the dawn of womanhood until they are about forty-five years of age, it is important for you to understand right from the start what to think of it and how to act in regard to it. Understand well, then, my child, that menstruation is not a sickness or a disorder, but the natural effect of the activity of those organs, which are common to all women. If those organs are inactive, it is impossible for a woman to become a mother. So if it is a little disagreeable at times, do not be put out about it; but think it is a necessary requirement for the dignity of motherhood, and that if all other women have to put up with it, you will gladly endure it too.

Now that you know the meaning of menstruation, you will not be alarmed when it occurs, but will realize that it has given you a new dignity--the dignity of being able to be used by God for the creation of new human beings. When you notice it for the first time, tell your mother at once, and she will instruct you how to take care of yourself. In the meantime, do not be anxious whether it will occur soon or only after several more months or years; and until it happens, try to put all curiosity concerning it out of your mind. Then when it does set in, bear it patiently like a little woman. Do not be like some girls who are vexed by what they call the mess of it, and who declare that they wish they were boys. Rather be glad that you are what God made you. And remember that whatever disagreeableness there may be about this function is due to the sin of Mother Eve, and that you have to endure only what St. Cecilia, St. Catherine, St. Elizabeth, St. Ann and all other saintly women, including the Mother of God herself, had to endure before you.

Now God in his infinite wisdom wanted every child to be also a work of love--the result of the love of husband and wife for each other. For this reason He has made it natural for certain men and women to love each other more than any other person, or, as we say, to fall in love with each other, and then to get married by promising to live together and to love each other until death. Since the child is formed of the mother's own substance, as I have already told you, in a little nest, as it were, which God has prepared beneath every woman's heart, it is only natural that a mother loves her child very much. But God wanted the father also to have a great love for his children; and therefore God has given the father also a share in bringing the child into existence. The father can just as truly say: "This is my child," as the mother; for without the father, the child could not have come into being. The only child who never had a real human father was our dear Lord Himself. God worked a special miracle to create His human body in the womb of the Blessed Virgin; and that is why St. Joseph is called only the foster father of Jesus. 2351a5e196

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