Launched in 2004, the World-Wide Labyrinth Locator has been designed to be an easy-to-use database of labyrinths around the world. Information about labyrinths you can visit, including their locations, pictures, and contact details, are accessible here, along with information about the many types of labyrinths found worldwide. Labyrinths occur in many forms, shapes, and sizes, and the Locator contains both historic and modern examples. At the current time the Worldwide Labyrinth Locator database contains more than 6300 labyrinths (including a few mazes) in more than 90 different countries around the world.

We hope this locator will help you find labyrinths in your community as well as point you in interesting directions as you travel farther afield. In order for the database to grow and continue to be as complete and up-to-date as possible, we encourage you to add your labyrinth to our listings - simply click the Add a Labyrinth button in the left-hand menu - and to keep your information current as an on-going resource by contacting us with your updates. Likewise, should you spot errors in the listings or have further information to improve current listings, please let us know via the Contact Us button to the left. For some hints on how to search for specific labyrinths and a range of search options, click the Locate a Labyrinth button in the left-hand menu, or use the quick search box to the right, and for more answers to questions you may have, visit the Help page.

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This project is sponsored by The Labyrinth Society and Veriditas, Inc. through a generous grant from the Faith, Hope and Love Foundation. We are delighted to offer it as a service to the labyrinth community, and, indeed, to anyone whose imagination has been captured by this ancient symbol. If you feel that the World-Wide Labyrinth Locator has been helpful to you, please consider making a donation to support the work of these two non-profit organizations.

Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience. We accomplish our mission by training and supporting labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offering meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a tool for personal and community transformation. Our vision is that the labyrinth experience guides us in developing the higher level of human awareness we need to thrive in the 21st century.

The Labyrinth Society is oriented toward bringing labyrinth enthusiasts together in order to share their interest, energy, and expertise. Its mission is to support those who create, maintain and use labyrinths, and to serve the global community by providing education, networking, and opportunities for experiencing transformation. The Labyrinth Society maintains an extensive website with information about labyrinths, regional and national events, and forums for connecting with other enthusiasts. The Labyrinth Society also stages an annual Conference and Gathering, sponsors a global World Labyrinth Day, and other international events.

A labyrinth is used for walking meditation. It is a single winding path from the outer edge in a circuitous way to the center. Labyrinths are used world-wide as a way to quiet the mind, calm anxieties, recover balance in life, enhance creativity and encourage meditation, insight, self-reflection and stress reduction. The practice of labyrinth walking integrates the body with the mind and spirit.

The labyrinth is not a maze. There are no tricks to it and no dead ends. Labyrinths are uni-cursal: one walks the same path going in and coming out. The path is in full view so there is no concern that you will get lost by walking. Instead, as you walk the path you can get lost in thought and, in doing so, find yourself.

There is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth; do what is right and natural for you while being respectful of others walking. Allow yourself to go the pace your body wants. Try to clear your mind and be open to thoughts and feelings. Children often enjoy the labyrinth and we ask that young children are supervised so all may enjoy the meditative aspects of the walk.

Each labyrinth experience is different. You may feel nothing, or unexpected emotions and memories may surface. Regardless, listen to your body and take the time you need. If you are excessively troubled by things that have surfaced, consider following up on your labyrinth walk with counseling.

any confusingly intricate state of things or events; a bewildering complex: His papers were lost in an hellish bureaucratic labyrinth.After the death of her daughter, she wandered in a labyrinth of sorrow for what seemed like a decade.

Also called acoustic labyrinth, acoustical labyrinth .Audio. a loudspeaker enclosure with air chambers at the rear for absorbing sound waves radiating in one direction so as to prevent their interference with waves radiated in another direction.

The system of interconnecting canals and spaces that make up the inner ear of many vertebrates. The labyrinth has both a bony component, made up of the cochlea, the semicircular canals, and the vestibule, and a membranous one.

Walking the labyrinth has become a spiritual practice for Christians as well as those in other religious traditions. It is a path of prayer, a walking meditation, and supports the practice of mindfulness. The act of walking quiets the mind and offers an inner spaciousness where we can more easily reflect upon our lives. We welcome you to our labyrinths.

Grace Cathedral has an indoor and an outdoor labyrinth. The indoor one is available to you during cathedral visitor services hours, and the latter is available to you 24/7! If you want to keep up-to-date on labyrinth events and news, please join our Mind, Body, and Spirit monthly newsletter.

The Labyrinth Guild are trained labyrinth facilitators and people interested in labyrinths. This organization is comprised of people from the Grace cathedral, as well as the Bay Area labyrinth community. We are grateful for our partnership with Veriditas for their training and support of labyrinth facilitators. The Guild supports the monthly Friday mindful evening candlelight labyrinth walks.

As you leave, following the same path out of the center as you came in, you enter the third stage, which is joining God, your Higher Power, or the healing forces at work in the world. Each time you walk the labyrinth you become more empowered to find and do the work for which you feel your soul is reaching.

On December 19th, 2021 friends and supporters of the Park gathered for Labyrinth Walk honoring the Winter Solstice. During our event, attendees learned the history of labyrinths, their purpose, how to add it to your day, and how walking them can be spiritual and meditative. Done in partnership with Nature Sacred, the afternoon event was a wonderful way to usher in Winter.

The anabantoids are a group of c. 137 species of air-breathing freshwater fishes found in Africa and southern Asia. All anabantoids have a pair of suprabranchial chambers that each house an air-breathing organ known as the labyrinth apparatus: a complex bony structure lined with thin, highly vascularised respiratory epithelium. The labyrinth apparatus allows anabantoids to extract oxygen from air and is a morpho-physiological innovation that has had a dramatic influence on the behaviour of these fishes. Air-breathing influences a wide range of anabantoid behaviours, including territorial displays, courtship and breeding and parental care and also equips these fishes to persist in hypoxic and polluted water. These traits also make anabantoids successful invaders of novel habitats, a global problem compounded by their popularity in the aquarium trade. By reviewing the functionality and evolution of air breathing in anabantoids, this review aims to examine the role of the labyrinth apparatus in modulating behaviour within this group. The anabantoids are a fascinating group and have often been cited as a model organism due to the stereotypical and easily identifiable behaviours that they adopt during social interactions. They also provide a unique opportunity to further our understanding about how fishes adapt their behaviour in response to an extreme environment, whilst limited by their own physiological constraints.

The journey to a labyrinth on campus began in 2014 when a group of students, faculty, and staff discussed the possibility of developing a space on campus dedicated to reflection.

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A charming and fragrant pine chip trail wound softly through the sun-dappled woods on the grounds of a spiritual center in Hiawatha, Iowa. As Jeff and I wandered along, we came upon a warm and worn, sand and brick labyrinth at the edge of the woods. I had read about labyrinths serving as meditation devices and was excited to try it out.

I hopped straightaway into the labyrinth at the closest random point. I felt a bit uneasy as I began to navigate this maze. The concentric and winding path led me at times closer to and then farther from the center of the network. Surprisingly, after 10 minutes of what I imagined was movement toward the heart of all the circles, I found my self standing at an outermost spot, the farthest arc from the middle point goal. It was a dead end and yet, coincidentally, the only true entrance to the labyrinth. The only available next move was to step out or to turn around and step back in.

As I began, I fretted about the humidity and the length the labyrinth trek might take. Did I appear foolish by playing this silly maze-game? Was my incessant chatter a bit bizarre? Was Jeff inconvenienced by the amount of time this going around in circles was taking? Did I seem odd or egotistic, as I felt compelled to relay every little insecure and/or insightful impression? I was in a constant state of analysis and commentary feeling alternating periods of stress and peace. I literally talked to myself out loud, trying to discern the cause of both the anxiety and the calm. 2351a5e196

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