Types of Braces

Dr.George Bardawil offers the most comfortable, efficient and technologically advanced orthodontic braces in Beirut,Lebanon.   


Traditional metal braces are a type of orthodontic treatment that use metal brackets and wires to gradually move teeth into the desired position. They are the most common type of braces and have been used for many years. Traditional metal braces are often preferred for more complex orthodontic cases and may require more maintenance and care than other types of braces.


Self-ligating braces are orthodontic appliances that use a specialized clip instead of elastic bands to hold the archwire in place. This clip allows for faster and more efficient tooth movement, as well as fewer appointments and less discomfort for the patient. Self-ligating braces come in both metal and clear ceramic options.


Clear ceramic braces are orthodontic appliances that use clear or tooth-colored brackets instead of metal ones. The brackets are made from a strong ceramic material that is less visible on the teeth, making them a more aesthetic option compared to traditional metal braces. Clear ceramic braces are a good option for those who want to straighten their teeth but are self-conscious about the appearance of traditional braces.