Tantric Awareness Massage


All sessions are rooted in the Tantric perspective, where Tantra in Sanskrit means "interweaving" or a way of intertwining the body and consciousness. In these sessions, besides physical massage, the teacher will also guide you to become aware of the inner sensations of your body, emotions, and thoughts, fostering a deeper mind-body connection. When you can establish intimacy with yourself, a healthy "inner relationship" forms, and many physical and mental issues may improve. The enhancement of this inner relationship will also extend to the "outer relationships" with people and things in your life.

For your first one-on-one session, it is recommended to begin with the Dragon Tendon Awareness Massage. This serves as a foundation for opening up sexual energy and awareness. Subsequently, sessions can delve deeper into areas such as the Dragon Root, prostate massage, intimate yoga, subconscious exploration, and more.

Tantric (Dragon Tendon) Awareness Massage


The fee for a single 90-minute session is NTD 3,600. 

The fee for a single 120-minute session is NTD 4,800.

Multiple-session packages are also available and can be inquired about after the first experience.


We are located in Taipei and Taichung.

The exact address will be provided after booking.

Make a reservation

Please click on the official Line link below and enter "I want to book Dragon Tendon Awareness Massage"



The difference between the 90-minute and 120-minute sessions

We offer two options for massage lengths: 90 minutes and 120 minutes. The massage processes for both are similar, with the main distinction being the length of time. Opting for the 90-minute massage is suitable for clients with limited time availability. However, if you choose the 120-minute service, the therapist will have more time to repeat each step or incorporate additional techniques such as couples stretching or prostate massage (depending on the client's condition). This allows for a deeper release of muscle tension and promotes better blood circulation, resulting in a more comprehensive relaxation effect. Therefore, depending on your needs and available time, you can choose the massage duration that best suits you.

What type of oil is used for the massage?

The massage uses either food-grade Extra Virgin Olive Oil or food-grade organic coconut oil as the base oil, combined with "Australian organic essential oils" to moisturize and nourish the skin. Therefore, after the massage, the skin can continue to absorb the oils, and there's no need to rinse them off.

Why massaging the abdomen before working on the Dragon Tendon?

The abdominal area often harbors suppressed or blocked emotional energy. Massaging the abdomen can release deep-seated stress, balance the autonomic nervous system, and open energy channels. When the nerves in the abdominal region are relaxed, the muscles around the pelvis also ease, allowing sexual energy to flow more freely.

Is there a "Happy Ending"?

We work with sexual energy but not in the context of sexual services. Sexual energy, also known as Kundalini or primal fire, when activated and flowing within the body, contributes to overall health and vitality. We guide the presence of sexual energy to circulate within the body without intentionally inducing ejaculation. It's a pity to kindle the inner fire only to see it extinguished prematurely. When your inner fire is robust and sexual energy circulates abundantly, it can transform into a continuous source of energy and happiness in your daily life.

Who is not suitable for Tantric Awareness Massage?

People currently with sexually transmitted diseases, skin diseases, respiratory infectious diseases, heart conditions, or those who have undergone abdominal surgery in the past six months are not recommended to receive Dragon Tendon Awareness Massage.

Is the massage painful?

Dragon Tendon Awareness Massage primarily focuses on the abdomen, pelvic area, testicles, and the base of the penis. If there are blockages or energy knots, you may experience a tingling or prickling sensation. Throughout the massage, open communication is encouraged. Please remain aware and present to various sensations in your body, without enduring discomfort. Express yourself through vocalization if needed, and use deep breathing to allow the energy to flow, ensuring the optimal healing effects.

What if there are erections during the process?

It is entirely normal and healthy to experience erections when the body's energy and blood are activated.

Can straight men experience Dragon Tendon Awareness Massage?

Tantric (Dragon Tendon) Awareness Massage is suitable for any biological male, regardless of sexual orientation. We welcome individuals of all orientations to experience it.

The massage procedure includes:

The massage lasts for 90 or 120 minutes and will include the following process:

Note: The 120-minute session can include prostate massage.(Optional)

Possible Benefits of Dragon Tendon Awareness Massage

☑️ Improved Erection Hardness

☑️ Prolonged Erection Duration

☑️ Smoother Urination

☑️ Enhanced Sleep Quality

☑️ Increased Energy Perception

In addition, abdominal massage before Dragon Tendon Massage can improve the digestive system and alter the microbial flora in the abdomen. If you are currently feeling lethargic or experiencing depression, Dragon Tendon Awareness Massage is also suitable. According to the chakra system, it corresponds to our sacral chakra, navel chakra, and solar plexus, activating your will to survive and creativity.

Potential benefits of prostate massage

☑️ Promotes prostate health

☑️ Alleviates symptoms of prostate diseases

☑️ Improves urethral function

☑️ Enhances sexual function

☑️ Relieves muscle tension

☑️ Promotes mind-body relaxation

☑️ Enhances sexual life quality

☑️ Explores P-spot pleasure.

Simple Rectal Cleansing Method(Click to Expand)

Step 1: Prepare

- Take off the showerhead from the bathroom shower, leaving just the hose.

Step 2: Adjust Water

- Make sure the water is warm and not too strong. Test it first.

Step 3: Get Ready

- Squat down and hold the hose against your bottom.

Step 4: Start Flushing

- Turn on the water slowly and let it flow into your rectum. Start gently.

Step 5: Drain

- When you feel like you need to go, let the water out in the toilet.

- Repeat until the water runs clear.


- If it's hard to relax, take deep breaths or gently massage the area.

- Remember, this might take some getting used to, so be patient with yourself!

- You can always talk to your instructor if you have questions or concerns. Happy learning about your body!