
Directions. Talks will take place in room 1447 of the classroom wing of Klaus building, located at 266 Ferst Dr NW, see photo below. The closest Marta stations (the Atlanta subway system) are North avenue station and Midtown station. You are free to use the Tech Trolley and Stingers to get around campus and the surrounding areas. Additional information can be found here.

Nearby. Within 10 minute walk east of Klaus on Ferst drive (which becomes 5th street at some point), you will find Tech Square, an area with various food and coffee options. A few minutes further in the same direction leads to midtown, which is full of bars and restaurants. 10 minutes south of Klaus you can find the math department in Skiles building.

Accommodations. We ask people to arrange their own accommodations. We suggest finding a place sooner rather than later, because it's expected to be a busy weekend in Atlanta. Please let us know if you would like us to connect you with other participants looking for roommates or hotels.

Funding. There is limited funding available for hotels and travel for those who requested before February 22nd. We will try to accommodate as many requests as our funds will allow.

Parking. We can arrange for parking on campus, please let us know in advance if you need it.

The Classroom Wing of the Klaus building.