The Gatekeeper's Ladder

Welcome to the Gateway of Wisdom: Exploring the Canon of Gatekeeper Literature

Embark on a journey through the Canon of Gatekeeper Literature, beginning with the seminal writings of Geerte Kepa, the original founder and cornerstone of the Mystical Order of Gatekeepers. This curated collection encompasses the profound works of Kepa, alongside the transformative contributions of Katee Pereg and Erek Gepeta, offering a comprehensive insight into both the spiritual foundations and secular advancements within the Gatekeeper's Art.

Geerte Kepa and His Foundational Texts 

Geerte Kepa's writings anchor our canon, characterized by their rich religious depth, which includes the exploration of the Consolamentum Sacrament, the integration of Gnostic creation myths, and the employment of the sacred Hanawan language in liturgical practices. His visionary insights lay down the fundamental doctrines that continue to influence and inspire the Mystical Order of Gatekeepers.

Evolution of the Gatekeeper's Art 

The narrative of the Gatekeeper's Art further evolves through Katee Pereg, who introduced a shift toward a more secular worldview. This transformation found its full expression in the works of Erek Gepeta, noted for the Warrior's Code and the Warrior's Shield, which symbolize the secularization of Gatekeeper ethics and divine theurgy. Erek also established the Path of the Noble Warrior, bridging the sacred origins with secular practices, offering a pathway for prospective Gatekeepers.

Purpose and Significance of the Canon 

The Canon of Gatekeeper Literature is an essential resource for practitioners and scholars, encapsulating the genuine teachings and evolving values of the Order. It serves as a dynamic guide from the sacred to the secular, ensuring all members build a robust understanding of the diverse practices within the Gatekeeper’s Art.

Engagement and Exploration 

We invite both newcomers and long-standing members of our community to delve into these texts regularly. Whether you seek the spiritual profundity of Geerte Kepa's foundational works or the practical implementations of Erek Gepeta's secular teachings, the Canon offers rich insights to deepen your understanding and practice within the Gatekeeper community.

Explore the Canon of Gatekeeper Literature today, and let the profound wisdom of Geerte Kepa, alongside Katee Pereg and Erek Gepeta, guide your journey through both the spiritual and secular realms of the Gatekeeper's Art.

The Canon of Gatekeeper Literature.pdf