7th International ICSE Workshop on Games and Software Engineering

(GAS 2023)

Co-located with the 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2023) 

Eastern Time (ET): May 19th 8am - May 19th 3:40pm / Australia Eastern Time (AET): May 19th 10pm – May 20th 6:40am.


Games are a popular form of entertainment and, due to their nature (i.e., interactive, immersive, etc.), strongly lend themselves for use beyond this original intent. Serious games, or games with a purpose, have been introduced to integrate the entertainment value games with domain specific objectives on important topics within education, health, and the environment to mention a few. In addition, gamification has been used to enhance non-entertainment applications with game elements; it aspires to foster behavioral changes, engagement, motivation, and participation in activities. In this context, the actions performed have meaning/value in the game experience in order to improve workplace performance or learn something in real life. The growing adoption of gameful experiences in all of the previous contexts make their design and development increasingly complex due to, for example, the number and variety of users, and their potential mission criticality. This complexity is nurtured, among the other factors, by a lack of theoretical grounding and adequate frameworks to engineer the intended solutions.

GAS 2023 seeks to bring the attention of interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners to the opportunities and challenges involved in new trends and issues related to the development of entertainment games, serious games, and gamified applications. It provides a forum to explore issues that crosscut the software engineering and the games development communities.

Schedule - Eastern Time (ET): May 19th 8am - May 19th 3:40pm / Australia Eastern Time (AET): May 19th 10pm – May 20th 6:40am.

8h-8:15am (ET) - Welcome

8:15h - 9:30am (ET) - Keynote  (Maria Rauschenberger)

9:30am-9:45am (ET) - Morning Break 

9:45-11h (ET) - Paper session 1: Testing, QA

11-12h (ET) - LUNCH 

12h-13:15h (ET) - Keynote (Lei Ma)

13:15h-14:05h (ET) - Paper session 2: Balance and progression: specifics of game mechanics

14:05h-14:20h (ET) - Afternoon Break 

14:20h-15:30h (ET) - Closing panel with Q&A

15:30h-15:40h (ET) - Closing remarks 

Paper sessions and accepted papers

Paper session 1: Testing, QA

Survival of the Tested: Gamified Unit Testing Inspired by Battle Royale
Antonio Materazzo, Tommaso Fulcini, Riccardo Coppola and Marco Torchiano

An Exploratory Approach for Game Engine Architecture Recovery
Gabriel Ullmann, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Fabio Petrillo, Nicolas Anquetil and Cristiano Politwski

Exploring Quality Assurance Practices and Tools for Indie Games
Jeff Cho and Karim Ali

Paper session 2: Balance and progression: specifics of game mechanics

Domain-Specific Languages for Describing Game Progression Logics
Ross Mawhorter

Assessing Video Game Balance using Autonomous Agents
Cristiano Politowski, Fabio Petrillo, Ghizlane El Boussaidi, Gabriel Cavalheiro Ullmann and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc

Panel topic: Pedagogical Issues in Games and Software Engineering


Thorsten Händler, Ferdinand Porsche FERNFH - Distance-Learning University of Applied Sciences

Beatriz Marin, Universitat Politècnica de València

Joseph Osborne, Pomona College


Lei Ma (University of Alberta)

Title: Automated Game Testing in the Era of Data-Driven Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities

Maria Rauschenberger (University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer)

Title: Breaking Boundaries: Navigating the Challenges of Game Development in a Diverse and Technologically Advanced World


Antonio Bucchiarone, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) 

Vanissa Wanick, University of Southampton

Kendra M. L. Cooper, Independent

Adam Smith, University of California, Santa Cruz 

Dayi Lin,  Centre for Software Excellence, Huawei

PC members

Enes Yigitbas, Paderborn University

Bruce Maxim, University of Michigan

Fabiano Dalpiaz, Utrecht University

Tanja E. J. Vos, Open Universiteit and Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Christos Gatzidis, Bournemouth University

Matthew Guzdial, University of Alberta

Jeremy Bradbury, Ontario Tech University

Pedro Beça, University of Aveiro

Alfinge Wang

Richard Wetzel, Immersive Realities Research Team, School of Information Technology, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Ahmed Khalifa, University of Malta

Mauricio Souza, UFLA

Important dates

• Submission deadline - EXTENDED: 20th January 2023

• Notification of acceptance: 24 February 2023

• Camera-ready version: 17 March 2023 

Registration: Early bird ** 13th March 2023

Workshop date: 19th May (AET) / 20th May (ET) - online

Topics of interest

GAS 2023 welcomes submissions addressing topics at the intersection of software engineering and entertainment games, serious games, and gamification. Topics include, but are not limited to tailored, interdisciplinary approaches on:

Workshop goals

Submission guidelines

GAS 2023 is seeking three types of submissions:

• Long Research Papers: max. 8 pages.

• Short Research Papers: 4 - 6 pages.

• Extended Abstracts (e.g., demo, position statement): 2 pages.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the co-organizers (icse.gas.workshop.2023@gmail.com)

After the workshop, a special section in IEEE Transactions on Games is planned.