
If you have additional photos that would be appropriate to add here, please email them to . We have organized and produced a cookbook (pdf version available here) in honor of this event.

A full size photo is available here.

Conference Banquet

Conference Talks et al

The venue - Scripps Seaside Forum
The guest of honor - Adriano Garsia
Jennifer Morse
MCs Helene Barcelo and Nantel Bergeron
"Lightning" speaker Robin Sulzgruber
Surprise guest Ian Macdonald
Mark Haiman
Richard Stanley
Lightning Speaker Andy Wilson
The Young Tableaux Flag
Ira Gessel
Lightning Speaker Amy Pang
Ron Graham
A word from the NSF by Stefaan De Winter
Lightning Speaker Farid Aliniaeifard
Persi Diaconis
A question from the audience
Lightning Speaker Samantha Dahlberg
Michelle Wachs
Jim Haglund
Greg Warrington
Ron Graham and Richard Stanley
Anders Bjorner
Lightning Speaker Brendan Pawlowski
Lightning Speaker George H. Seelinger
Anton Mellit
Lightning Speaker John Machacek
Claudia Malvenuto
Marino Romero filling in for Claudio Procesi
Lightning Speaker Maciej Dolega
Lightning Speaker Olya Mandelshtam
Sara Billey
Nolan Wallach
Lightning Speaker Philip B. Zhang
Francois Bergeron
Adrian Garsia - Son
Adrian talks about Adriano
Adriano's talk
Adriano encourages us to apply algebraic combinatorics to other areas of math