Prices list
At the present time, I do not work full time with illustration, the purpose of this site is precisely to make this possible in the future.
Prices shown below are based on hours of work in my available time. Prices will be updated as new orders and needs appear. Please read the terms of service before placing an order.
Commission category
Bust or just a headshot design with a Cell hading paint.
Full Body Character Sketch
Line art
Drawing with a focus on refined lines and a gray base
Flat color
Following the same patterns as a lineart but with the addition of base colors.
Cell Shading
Artwork complete with color, light, shadow and finishes using the style known as CellShading, also known to look similar to cartoon and anime scenes.
Reference sheet
Reference model for character, for other artists to use in future works. The base model has the following elements:
- 1 Full body model, front and back;
- 1 Full body model, front and back with clothes;
- 3 Facial expressions;
- 1 Detail on a specific element (tattoo, marks, necklaces, items that need a focus);
- 1 Box for color palette and simple character description;