Garo Kassabian Plastic Surgeon 

Dr. Garo Kassabian, a highly regarded plastic surgeon, has garnered a reputation for his exceptional skill and expertise in the field of cosmetic surgery. With a background rooted in extensive education and training, Dr. Kassabian is known for his meticulous attention to detail and commitment to delivering natural-looking results. Offering a wide range of cosmetic procedures, from facial rejuvenation techniques to body contouring, Dr. Kassabian strives to help his patients achieve their desired aesthetic goals. But what sets him apart from other plastic surgeons? What innovative approaches does he employ to ensure patient satisfaction? Let's explore the world of Garo Kassabian plastic surgeon, where artistry and science converge to create transformative experiences.

Dr. Garo Kassabian's Background and Education

Dr. Garo Kassabian, a renowned plastic surgeon, possesses an impressive background and extensive education in the field of cosmetic surgery. With a commitment to excellence and a deep understanding of patient care, Dr. Kassabian has garnered numerous achievements throughout his career.

Dr. Kassabian obtained his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Southern California, where he graduated with honors. He then went on to complete his medical degree at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine, further solidifying his foundation in the medical field.

After completing his general surgery residency at the University of California, San Diego Medical Center, Dr. Kassabian pursued his passion for cosmetic surgery through a highly competitive plastic surgery residency at the University of Southern California. This rigorous training equipped him with the necessary skills to provide his patients with the highest quality of care.

Dr. Kassabian's achievements include being a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, two prestigious organizations that recognize his expertise and commitment to his profession. Additionally, he has been featured in various media outlets, including television shows and magazines, for his exceptional work in the field of cosmetic surgery.

Dr. Kassabian's approach to patient care is centered around personalized attention and comprehensive consultations. He understands that each patient is unique and requires individualized treatment plans. By taking the time to listen to his patient's concerns and goals, Dr. Kassabian ensures that they feel comfortable and confident throughout their entire journey.

The Range of Cosmetic Procedures Offered by Dr. Kassabian

With a diverse array of cosmetic procedures, Dr. Kassabian offers his patients a comprehensive range of options to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence.

Here are some of the most popular treatments provided by Dr. Kassabian:

Understanding Facial Rejuvenation Techniques

Facial rejuvenation techniques encompass a range of options, including non-surgical treatments, minimally invasive procedures, and the goal of achieving natural-looking results. These techniques offer individuals the opportunity to enhance their appearance without the need for extensive surgery or recovery time. Understanding these options can help patients make informed decisions about their desired outcomes and the best approach for achieving them.

Non-Surgical Options

There are various non-surgical options available for facial rejuvenation, which can help achieve a more youthful appearance without the need for invasive procedures. These minimally invasive treatments are gaining popularity due to their effectiveness and minimal downtime.

Here are four non-surgical facial rejuvenation techniques that are commonly used:

These non-surgical options offer a range of benefits, providing individuals with a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance without the need for surgery.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Minimally invasive procedures are an increasingly popular option for achieving facial rejuvenation, offering effective results with minimal downtime. One such procedure is the minimally invasive facelift, which utilizes advanced techniques to tighten and lift sagging skin, giving a more youthful appearance. Unlike traditional facelifts, which involve larger incisions and longer recovery periods, minimally invasive facelifts involve smaller incisions and use innovative technologies such as endoscopic cameras and specialized instruments to achieve the desired results. These procedures can address common signs of aging, including wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of volume, with less risk and discomfort. Additionally, liposuction alternatives are also gaining popularity in facial rejuvenation. These procedures use non-surgical methods, such as ultrasound or laser technology, to precisely target and eliminate excess fat, resulting in a more contoured and youthful facial profile. Overall, minimally invasive procedures offer patients a convenient and effective way to achieve facial rejuvenation without the need for extensive surgery or downtime.

Natural-Looking Results

To achieve natural-looking results in facial rejuvenation, understanding the various techniques and approaches is essential. By employing these techniques, patients can enjoy the benefits of a subtle enhancement that enhances their appearance without looking overly artificial.

Here are four techniques for achieving natural-looking results:

Achieving a Youthful Appearance With Non-Surgical Treatments

Non-surgical treatments have become increasingly popular for achieving a youthful appearance without the need for invasive procedures. These minimally invasive techniques offer a range of options for facial rejuvenation, from dermal fillers to laser treatments. The goal is to achieve natural-looking results that enhance one's features and restore a more youthful look, without the downtime or risks associated with surgery.

Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation can be achieved through non-surgical treatments, providing individuals with a youthful appearance without the need for invasive procedures. These minimally invasive alternatives have gained popularity due to their effectiveness and minimal downtime.

Here are four non-surgical anti-aging techniques that can help you achieve a more youthful look:

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Minimally invasive procedures offer individuals the opportunity to achieve a more youthful appearance without the need for surgical interventions. These non-invasive alternatives have become increasingly popular due to their numerous benefits. One of the key advantages of minimally invasive procedures is that they require little to no downtime, allowing individuals to resume their daily activities immediately after the treatment. Additionally, these procedures typically involve minimal discomfort and have a low risk of complications. Unlike surgical procedures, which often require general anesthesia, minimally invasive treatments can be performed using local anesthesia or even without any anesthesia at all. This not only reduces the risks associated with anesthesia but also minimizes the recovery time. Furthermore, these procedures often produce natural-looking results, enhancing the individual's appearance subtly and gradually. Overall, the benefits of minimally invasive procedures make them an attractive option for those seeking to rejuvenate their appearance without undergoing surgery.

Natural-Looking Results

With their ability to enhance one's appearance subtly and gradually, minimally invasive procedures have gained popularity as a means of achieving natural-looking results in the pursuit of a more youthful appearance. These non-surgical treatments offer several advantages over traditional cosmetic surgery, including minimal downtime, reduced risk of complications, and more affordable prices. To achieve natural-looking results, it is important to prioritize facial symmetry, as it is a key factor in determining overall attractiveness. Minimally invasive procedures such as injectable fillers and Botox can help restore facial symmetry by addressing areas of volume loss and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally, anti-aging treatments like laser resurfacing and chemical peels can improve skin texture and tone, resulting in a more youthful and radiant complexion.

Body Contouring: Sculpting Your Ideal Figure

Achieving your ideal figure through body contouring is a transformative process that can enhance your overall aesthetic appearance. Thanks to the advancements in body contouring techniques, individuals can now sculpt their bodies to achieve their desired look. Body contouring refers to a range of surgical and non-surgical procedures that target specific areas of the body to remove excess fat and reshape the contours.

One of the key advancements in body contouring is the use of innovative sculpting techniques. These techniques allow plastic surgeons to precisely target and reshape problem areas, creating a more balanced and proportionate figure. From liposuction to tummy tucks and buttock augmentations, sculpting techniques can address various concerns and help individuals achieve their ideal body shape.

In addition to traditional surgical procedures, there have been significant advancements in non-surgical body contouring treatments as well. These treatments, such as CoolSculpting and truSculpt, use targeted cooling or heat energy to eliminate stubborn fat cells, resulting in a more sculpted appearance. These non-invasive procedures provide individuals with an alternative to surgery, offering minimal downtime and a quicker recovery.

Whether you are looking to contour your abdomen, thighs, buttocks, or any other area, body contouring advancements provide individuals with various options to achieve their ideal figure. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Garo Kassabian can help you determine the best course of action to achieve your desired results.

Breast Augmentation: Enhancing Your Natural Beauty

One area of body contouring that can enhance your overall aesthetic appearance is breast augmentation, a procedure aimed at enhancing your natural beauty. Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, involves the use of breast implants to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts. This popular cosmetic surgery procedure offers numerous benefits for women who desire to enhance their breasts.

Here are four reasons why breast augmentation can help enhance your natural beauty:

If you are considering breast augmentation, it is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can guide you through the process and help you achieve your desired results.

The Art and Science of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, also known as nose reshaping surgery, is a delicate procedure that requires a combination of artistic skill and scientific knowledge. Surgeons use various surgical techniques to address different concerns, such as reshaping the nasal bridge, refining the tip, or correcting breathing difficulties. The ultimate goal of rhinoplasty is to achieve natural-looking results that harmonize with the patient's facial features.

Surgical Techniques for Rhinoplasty

Surgical techniques for rhinoplasty involve the intricate art and science of reshaping the nose to achieve desired aesthetic and functional results. With the advancement of technology, plastic surgeons now have access to various innovative techniques that enhance the precision and effectiveness of the procedure.

Here are four surgical techniques commonly used in rhinoplasty:

These surgical techniques, combined with the expertise of a skilled plastic surgeon, allow for the achievement of natural-looking and harmonious results in rhinoplasty.

Achieving Natural-Looking Results

Achieving natural-looking results in rhinoplasty requires a delicate balance of artistic finesse and scientific expertise. One of the key aspects of achieving a natural outcome is maintaining facial symmetry. A skilled plastic surgeon like Garo Kassabian understands that a harmonious and balanced appearance is essential for a successful rhinoplasty. By carefully evaluating each patient's unique facial features and considering their individual goals, Dr. Kassabian can create a nose that complements their overall facial structure. Additionally, he takes into account the natural aging process when planning and executing the procedure. This ensures that the results will not only be aesthetically pleasing immediately after surgery but will also age gracefully with the patient, maintaining a natural and balanced appearance for years to come.

Restoring Confidence With Hair Restoration Procedures

Hair restoration procedures offer individuals the opportunity to regain their self-assurance and feel more confident in their appearance. Whether it's due to genetics, aging, or other factors, hair loss can have a significant impact on a person's self-esteem. Fortunately, advancements in hair transplant techniques and hair loss prevention strategies have made it possible to restore a fuller head of hair and improve one's overall confidence.

Here are four ways in which hair restoration procedures can help restore confidence:

Hair restoration procedures not only address the physical aspect of hair loss but also have a positive impact on an individual's mental and emotional well-being. By regaining their self-assurance, individuals can embrace life with renewed confidence and vitality.

Post-Procedure Care: What to Expect and How to Ensure a Smooth Recovery?

After undergoing a hair restoration procedure, it is crucial to follow a comprehensive post-procedure care plan to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results. Taking proper care of the treated area can help minimize post-op complications and promote healing. The recovery timeline can vary from patient to patient, but generally, it takes about two weeks for the initial healing to occur.

During the first few days after the procedure, it is important to keep the scalp clean and dry. The surgeon will provide specific instructions on how to clean the area and may recommend using a gentle shampoo or prescribed medication. It is also important to avoid any strenuous activities or excessive sweating during this time.

In the following weeks, it is crucial to protect the newly transplanted hair follicles from any trauma or injury. This means avoiding direct sun exposure, wearing a hat, or using sunscreen when going outside. It is also important to avoid scratching or picking at the scalp, as this can disrupt the healing process and increase the risk of infection.

Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are essential to monitor the healing progress and address any concerns or questions that may arise. By following the post-procedure care plan diligently, patients can ensure a smooth recovery and achieve the desired results from their hair restoration procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Potential Risks and Complications Associated With Cosmetic Procedures Offered by Dr. Kassabian?

Potential risks and complications associated with cosmetic procedures include infection, scarring, bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia, and dissatisfaction with the results. It is essential to thoroughly research and consult with a qualified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Kassabian, to understand the specific risks and complications associated with the chosen procedure. Dr. Kassabian, being an experienced plastic surgeon, will provide detailed information about the potential risks and complications of the cosmetic procedures he offers, ensuring informed decision-making for his patients.

How Long Do the Results of Facial Rejuvenation Techniques Typically Last?

Facial rejuvenation techniques aim to improve the appearance of the face, but the duration of their results can vary. Factors affecting the longevity of facial rejuvenation include the specific procedure performed, individual characteristics, and lifestyle choices. Generally, the results of facial rejuvenation can last anywhere from several months to several years. However, it is important to note that the aging process continues, and additional treatments may be needed to maintain the desired outcome. Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon can provide further insights into the expected duration of facial rejuvenation results.

What Are the Most Popular Non-Surgical Treatments for Achieving a Youthful Appearance?

Dermal fillers and Botox injections are among the most popular non-surgical treatments for achieving a youthful appearance. Dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid-based fillers, can help restore volume and smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. Botox injections, on the other hand, temporarily relax facial muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and preventing new ones from forming. Both treatments are minimally invasive and can provide noticeable results with little to no downtime.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From Body Contouring Procedures?

Recovery time after body contouring procedures can vary depending on the specific procedure performed and individual factors. It typically takes several weeks for initial healing, but full recovery may take several months. Postoperative care is crucial for a successful recovery, which may include wearing compression garments, avoiding strenuous activities, and following a healthy diet. It is important for patients to closely follow their surgeon's instructions to ensure optimal healing and minimize complications.

Can Breast Augmentation Affect Breastfeeding Ability in the Future?

Breast augmentation is a commonly sought-after cosmetic procedure, but there are concerns regarding its potential impact on breastfeeding ability. Research suggests that breast augmentation does not typically interfere with lactation or breastfeeding. However, it is crucial to choose a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon like Garo Kassabian who follows breast implant safety guidelines. It is advisable to discuss any concerns with the surgeon and carefully consider the potential risks and benefits before undergoing the procedure.


Dr. Garo Kassabian is a highly skilled plastic surgeon who offers a range of cosmetic procedures to help individuals achieve their desired appearance. Through facial rejuvenation techniques, non-surgical treatments, body contouring, rhinoplasty, and hair restoration procedures, Dr. Kassabian helps restore confidence and transform lives. With proper post-procedure care, patients can expect a smooth recovery and enjoy the benefits of their cosmetic enhancements. Dr. Kassabian's expertise and the testimonials of his satisfied patients speak to his exceptional skill and dedication to his craft.