
>From /who listings, I am appending a listing of people who have

>frequently been in the #warez* channels. Complete who listings would be

>posted, but they are quite large in volume and duplicates among different

>channels and different IRCNAME's would have to be removed, bringing us back

>to the exact same listing. Names are in standard IRC nick!user@host format,

>a best attempt was made to sort them in reverse (domain, subdomain, host,

>user, nick), to make it easier for administrators to search for their own



>It is *STRONGLY* recommended that administrators of systems in which

>these users are on check their directories for pirated software or

>extremely large disk usage.


Sophia Perry (1841?-1908) kept a diary for much of her life, including during the years she was a patient at the Maine Insane Hospital in Augusta. Though the details of her commitment are not clear, she was admitted to the hospital in 1879 and spent the remainder of her life there. The pages of this volume, written in 1888, are largely filled with original poetry but also offer a fleeting glimpse into her life, the doctors, and other patients at the asylum.

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A number of other states and cities have transferred dangerously insane supervillains to Arkham Asylum despite its rather discouraging reputation, either because they lack facilities of their own to hold them, or find it easier to dump their criminal problem on Gotham City. Patients transferred from outside Gotham have included the Polka-Dot Man, Doctor Double X, Seeder, Doc Willard, the Dummy, Dancer, the Crumbler, and Mister Thornton. Nearly every member of Batman's Rogues Gallery has been incarcerated at Arkham under various circumstances. Stockbroker Warren White, better known as the Great White Shark, was initially sent to Arkham after evading a white-collar fraud conviction in the Gotham courts by pleading insanity. His time inside the asylum drives him truly insane, and White comes to manipulate the system from within as a ruthless underworld racketeer. (Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #6, December 2003)

Covering this large volume in carbon nanotubes might be a very expensive affair, depending on the level of manufacturing technology the pirates have access to. Cryogenic heat pumps that can operate at 20 Kelvin and lower might not be readily accessible at kilowatt power levels either. Preventing the hydrogen over long periods of time from escaping is no easy task either.

Pirates must also remember the cardinal rule: don't get greedy. If you become enough of a threat to business, either the business will go away, or somebody (not necessarily the law) will remove you as a threat. No matter how big you are, there's always somebody bigger, and it's usually a good idea not to attract their attention. In seeking prey, cost efficiency directs pirate attention to ports of Class C or better, with their higher volume of traffic. Such ports provide immediate targets for piracy, but also present the danger of a rapid response of authorities. A laden merchant is most securely looted at a distance from its last known location: intimidated. hijacked or lasered into compliance, a ship can be boarded and reprogrammed for jump to a nearby empty system, with time in hyper-space for a leisurely inventory of the take. The main problem with piracy is that a given region can only support so many "predators." If trade is disrupted too much, merchants will avoid the area, and the pirates will "starve." The analogy to nature can be carried further: Shepherds expect a few losses from their flocks as part of the cost of doing business. If wolves begin killing too many sheep, however, the shepherds will find it worth their while to organize a large-scale hunt to wipe the wolves out or drive them away.

The crews prize blood lust in captains and sanity in quartermasters. The crew can depose and maroon a pirate captain for a lack of sufficient battle-induced insanity. After all, the crew signed on with the ship hoping for a big score. If the captain cannot provide even the medium scores that keep the ship running, the crew will replace him with someone who will get the job done. But, if the captain oversteps his or her authority, or is too insane, the crew will shove the captain out the airlock and elect a new one. be457b7860

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