Created by Kim Thomas, KPFUSION is a fashion and lifestyle blog that covers of the moment fashion, style and beauty tips + trends with a little Memphis, TN flavor thrown in. This is life through my lens.

Guys who are naturally good with women (Naturals) usually don't share their techniques with us 'regular guys'. This leaves regular guys at a constant disadvantage, because the Naturals know of secret dating techniques and strategies that make women fall in love with them and want to have sex with them like nothing else can. For them, it's just natural.

Confessions Of A Natural Beauty 2003


Mark has had sex and been in relationships with beauty queens and Miss World contenders. In his interview, he reveals how he picked up the Miss World contender, as well as a few other hot models he's been with over the last year or so.

Confessions of a Natural is about getting 'Naturals' (guys who are naturally good with women) to reveal their rarely-known dating techniques and strategies. Until now, these have been kept secret from 'regular guys' so the Naturals could enjoy easy success with women, while other guys struggled.

Confessions of a Natural mainly focuses on revealing how guys who are naturally good with women (Naturals) go about approaching, attracting, dating and enjoying relationships with women. Other Modern Man products focus on different areas. For example: Mastery Methods & Mindsets is mainly about confidence and taking your success with women to the highest level possible.

About a year ago, a blood test revealed I had a Vitamin D deficiency, a common issue that can lead to weak bones and muscles. Sun exposure helps your body produce the nutrient naturally. As sunscreen ads and beauty editorials have told us, it is important to prevent your body from getting too many UVA and UVB rays. But it is just as imperative to synthesize enough Vitamin D, which is only found in few foods, for optimal health.

"A person that leaves here inspired has the potential to inspire more people. Therefore, the best way to inspire is to surround yourself with beauty". Interview with Johanna Zajc, lodge and restaurant administrator of the Patagonia Park.

Join Michelle as she covers topics such as skin sag, swelling, hormonal impact on the skin, menopausal belly, your beauty mindset and vibration, and even the best shade of nontoxic blush for the season. With a panel of neighbours from next door along with experts in their fields, we as a community will delve into products, activities, and tips that will support your beauty. Subsequently, TRU Beauty Confessions will offer a safe space to discuss how we really feel about our transforming bodies and what may be helpful to prop up the other integral, but unspoken, aspects of a beautiful self including the emotional, mental and energetic. We refuse to fade out into the background and will continue to be bold and beautiful in every season of this life journey. We cannot wait to dive in!

As women of color continue to live boldly outside the confines of societal expectations for our hair, we continue to expand American normative culture to include standards of beauty that mirror the changing demographics of our nation.

Now that price is being paid. The weird and unintentional pincer movement of the failed left, with its class analysis of waterfalls and fresh air, and the managerial, carbon-ber-alles brigade has infiltrated, ironed out, and reworked environmentalism for its own ends. Now it is not about the ridiculous beauty of coral, the mist over the fields at dawn. It is not about ecocentrism. It is not about reforging a connection between overcivilized people and the world outside their windows. It is not about living close to the land or valuing the world for the sake of the world. It is not about attacking the self-absorbed conceits of the bubble that our civilization has become.

So like Paul Kingsnorth, I too am kicking off my shoes again and touching, smelling and embracing the natural around me. Unlike these eco products, our world evolves slowly, gracefully and symbiotically. My sense of hopelessness fades amidst this overwhelming endurance and I trust once again that mother nature will conquer human nature in the end.

Ironically, the capitalist system will allow more restorations of our natural environment that any other. Sure, people mess up and take advantage of whatever is in front of them, just like they always have; but I am certain that person-to-person efforts, working from the bottom up is sure to maintain more change than anything imposed by an isolated government from its ivory towers.

Those who are wedded to a philosophy of pragmatism and so called realism will always chafe at others who are courting the mysterious beauty and truth of the less quantifiable dimensions of life. They are contemptuous of those of us that value our deep emotions and intuitions of things beyond the ordinary surface of life. They bridle at the to them meaningless concerns of folks who resonate and are inspired by the profound presence behind the outward forms of nature in the wild. Spiritual consciousness to them is seen as the unprofitable and useless delusions of people devoid of reason and hard headed judgment.

Ultimately though the idea of the self-sufficient community, region, nation is going to have to be made into a conscious goal with a deliberate reduction in population and reforestation etc. as being the path there. Building early communities that are self-supporting would be one good way of modeling the future. Expanding our parks and national forests and other natural protected areas would be another.

I want to be part of what is nature and to live and survive in a natural space. It is something I have yearned for something I have to do. I want to connect with something that we have lost a connection with nature

I stumbled across this quote today. Struck by its beauty, I thought the forum might enjoy it. Truthfully, it is my rather lame attempt to thank everyone that participates in these ever lively discussions. It was written by a seventeenth-century Briton, Thomas Traherne:

Personally I do not feel angst on the behalf of Nature because I do not think humans have the capacity or future resources to truly damage the natural world. Nature wins in the long-term and will force us to co-operate with it.

Let us recognize the willful denial of the ecological science of human population dynamics. Where are the population scientists and ecologists who are ready, willing and able to attest to or refute empirical evidence that human population dynamics is essentially similar to, not different from, the population dynamics of other species; that human population numbers appear as a function of food supply; that more food for human consumption equals more people, less available food to consume equals less people and no food equals no people? No exceptions! Are these scientists blind, deaf and electively mute in the face of new scientific knowledge. Most reprehensibly, their refusal to accept responsibilities and perform duties as scientists has made it possible for pseudoscientists to fill the mainstream media with false knowledge about the way the world we inhabit works as well as about the placement of the human species within the natural order of living things.

The idea that human exceptionalism applies to the population dynamics of Homo sapiens, that human population dynamics is different from (not essentially similar to) the population dynamics of other species, is a pseudoscientific factoid, bereft of an adequate foundation in science. Overwhelming scientific research regarding the human population indicates that human population numbers appear as a function of food supply. For many this scientific idea is on the one hand irrefutable and on the other hand unbelievable. So completely are many too many professionals enthralled by the notion of human exceptionalism. Exploding human numbers in the past 200 years are the natural result of the dramatically increasing production and distribution capabilities of food for human consumption that occurred with the onset of the Industrial Revolution and later on during the Green Revolution.

Let us examine the false knowledge from conventional, Neoclassical Cornucopian Economics and the Demographic Transition Theory. These theoretical perspectives are not connected to the foundation of science. The speciousness of what is presented by demographers and economists and then broadcast ubiquitously by the mainstream media is in need of correction by scientists. Ideas of endless resources availability in a finite world and an indestructible ecology that is in fact frangible are fabricated. Automatic population stabilization; a benign end to population growth soon; a glorious world by 2050 when the entire human community will reap the benefits you and I enjoy now because everyone in the human community will have entered the fourth and last stage of the demographic transition, all of these notions are fanciful and ideologically-driven. Such false knowledge as we find in the pseudoscientific disciplines of economics and demography needs to be eschewed. The best available scientific evidence must to be our guide because science stands alone as the best method by far for apprehending what could be real and true. Science needs to be categorically distinguished from all that is not science. Then, perhaps, we will be able to see more clearly how the existential world we inhabit actually works and more accurately perceive the placement of Homo sapiens within the natural order of all living things.

The imprimatur of science has been not so surreptitiously usurped by pseudoscientific disciplines in which professional research is primarily underwritten by wealthy power brokers and corporations. Economic and demographic research is designed and the findings presented so as to comport with the transparent self interests of the rich and powerful. Where are the scientists who will speak out to correct such widespread misunderstanding and reckless wrongdoing? The conscious silence of scientists serves to give consent to ubiquitous unethical professional behavior that cannot be tolerated any longer because of the confusion it engenders among those in the human community who are rightly seeking an intellectually honest understanding of the global predicament we face and a path to a sustainable future that can only be derived from the best available scientific research. The disciplines of demography and economics are prime examples of what science is not. Perhaps the findings of demographic and economics research will soon be widely recognized and consensually validated as preternatural pseudoscience. be457b7860

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