Download Google Chrome 94


If the CA owner has not yet publicly disclosed an incident, they must notify chrome-root-program [at] google [dot] com and include an initial timeline for public disclosure. Chrome uses the information in the public disclosure as the basis for evaluating incidents.

If you have another instance of Chrome running and don't want to restart it, you can run the new instance under a separate user profile with the --user-data-dir option. Example: --user-data-dir=/tmp/chrome-debug. This is the same as using the userDataDir option in a launch-type config.

If you see errors with a location like chrome-error://chromewebdata/ in the error stack, these errors are not from the extension or from your app - they are usually a sign that Chrome was not able to load your app.


1__ Use your mobile phone to take a photo of the receipt, then attach it to an email and send it to from your phone or tablet.

Recently we noticed that the Hubspot Sales gmail plugin for Chrome is causing the browser to become really slow and laggy, especially while working with Gmail. It gets so bad that sometimes it takes several seconds just to display the emails each time I scroll down within Gmail. I'm running on a 2019 HP Spectre 360 i7, SSD drive with 16GB of ram. It's a powerful computer so it's not a hardware thing. The second we disable the chrome plugin, everything instantly goes back to fast and snappy. The only other plugin we have Nimbus (screenshots) and Boomerang (Gmail plugin). Everything works fine with those plugins and everything worked fine before. Not sure if some recent Hubspot Sales plugin update and/or Chrome update broke things but it's unbearable.

Latest Extension version ( released Dec 5th) resolved the issue for me. If you are still experiencing the issue check you are on the latest version by going here: chrome://extensions/ clicking details on the extension an verifying the version. If you are on an older version go to the Chrome Web Store and update or just uninstall and reinstall the extension.

Same for us, using nearly all of my CPU resources (and I have a fairly "loaded" computer). Updated to latest Mac OS, restarted computer and chrome, still an issue. --- Something is wrong with the chrome extension for sure. Please let us know when it's fixed.

Following up here to see if there are plans to take a closer look into this? I had a meeting with our sales team just now and I am not the only person on our team that is experiencing this issue. One of our team members had their computer crash as it was just too overloaded but the rest of us are mainly experiencing a very laggy chrome browser where we cant even work.

I've installed the chrome extension for dropbox passwords and the icon appears in the address bar. When I click on it a tab opens to my files. I cannot access the password screen. I've looked through settings and other menus to no avail. Any suggestions? Thanks. 5376163bf9

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