Gardener Groot

The Data Log

The values are constantly monitored by the device and stored in the local database which is further sent to the concerned person through email for every hour.

The below sheet show a sample of logged data by the device and for three hours.


What to do with the data?

The data is valuable, it is analysed to understand from a different perspective. Here are few examples of the visualizations

Temperature, Humidity, Light intensity, moisture value vs Time

The above graph gives a relation between the temperature, humidity, soil moisture and light values for a time period of two hours.

Extended View

  1. Moisture vs Time graph:

The soil moisture was low at the beginning which gradually increased after 20 minutes and remained constant till the end of the time.

2. Humidity vs Time graph:

The humidity around the plant was recorded extremely high value of 46 percent during the day.

3. Temperature vs Time graph:

The temperature too was recorded an extreme high value of 32 degrees Celsius during the day.

4. Light intensity vs Time graph:

The light was sufficient overall which had sharp highs and lows in the graph during the period.


After analysing the data, it is observed that the moisture in the soil is perfectly alright, the sunlight is varying from high to low which means the light is not properly available to the plant. The temperature is too high for such a plant to survive which means I have to shift the location of the plant immediately to a better place. With the constant high temperature of 32 C the humidity has been decreasing slightly and reached a minimum of 41 percentage.

Additional Features

Motion Detection:

The idea is to detect any kind of harm detected around the plant and send the snapshot of the moment to the concerned mail.

Here is an example of the image showing me picking the leaf captured by the device and sent through email.

Me picking the leaf

Want to know how Gardener Groot was built?

This GitHub page on Tracking Essential Features Affecting The Plants Using Raspberry-Pi has a detailed documentation of the project "Gardener Groot".