Inverse problems for PDEs:

from analysis to applications

Special session at the "Congreso Bienal de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española"

Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Ciudad Real  (Spain)  | 17-21.01.2022 


Organizers: Pedro Caro and María Ángeles García-Ferrero (BCAM)

Contact: pgarcia"@", mgarcia"@"

Partially founded by: BBVA Foundation, through Start-up Grant José Luis Rubio de Francia 2019. 


The special session will take place at the Room José Elguero in the Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnologías Químicas and online in Zoom.

Conference information

The schedule of the whole conference can be found here

The speakers and the distribution of the other special sessions are listed here. Please, notice that the order of the talks of our session in this documments is not the correct one.

All the titles and abstracts can be read here.

Practical information

Please, visit the webpage of the Conference for general information. 

Locations (complete information provided here in Spanish)

    rest of days → Aula 2.06, Aulario Polivalente.

How to arrive (more information here)

More information

In this webpage you can find information about health control requirements to travel to Spain.  

Visit this webpage for touristic information about Ciudad Real.