Broken Garage Door Spring Repair

Signs of a Broken Garage Door Spring

If you own a garage, you know how important it is to have a properly functioning door. One of the key components of a garage door is the spring, which helps provide the necessary tension to open and close the door smoothly. Over time, however, the spring may break due to wear and tear or excessive use. It's important to know the signs of a broken garage door spring so that you can address the issue promptly and avoid further damage to your door.

Difficulty Opening or Closing the Door

One of the most obvious signs of a broken garage door spring is difficulty in opening or closing the door. If you notice that the door is suddenly heavier or doesn't close all the way, it could be a sign that the spring is damaged. Attempting to manually open or close the door with a broken spring can be dangerous, as it can lead to injuries or further damage. It's best to seek professional help for repair.

Loud Noise or Snapping Sound

An audible sign of a broken garage door spring is a loud noise or snapping sound when operating the door. If you hear a sudden bang or snap, it's likely that the spring has snapped or become detached. This sound is a clear indication that the spring needs to be repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Ignoring the issue can lead to more extensive damage to your garage door and potentially put your safety at risk.

Visible Gaps or Gaps when the Door is Closed

Another sign of a broken garage door spring is the presence of visible gaps or gaps when the door is fully closed. If the spring is broken, the tension required to keep the door in the closed position is compromised, causing gaps to form. These gaps allow for potential security risks, as they create an entry point for intruders or pests. It's important to address this issue promptly to ensure the security of your garage and belongings.

Professional Garage Door Spring Repair

When faced with a broken garage door spring, it's crucial to hire a professional technician for repair. Attempting to fix the spring yourself can be dangerous and may lead to further damage. A trained technician has the necessary expertise and equipment to safely repair or replace the broken spring. They can also inspect the rest of the garage door system to ensure everything is functioning correctly and make any necessary adjustments.

SW Edmonton repairs

Don't ignore the signs of a broken garage door spring. If you notice difficulty opening or closing the door, hear a loud noise or snapping sound, or see visible gaps, it's time to call a professional for repair. 

Garage Door Repair SW Edmonton offers expert garage door spring repair services to ensure the safety and functionality of your garage door. Don't wait until the problem worsens - act now and get your garage door spring repaired by a trusted professional.