About Us

As you might have read in the news there has been an increase in the number of homeowners who are paying to have their garage floors professionally coated. This is because the industry has seen an increased demand. The trend is not a coincidence. Many of these owners are doing so because they are looking for something better than what they have been using. With the sudden demand many contractors are now jumping on the bandwagon to compete for the same business. Because of this competition you want to make sure that you make the right decision about choosing the right person to do your garage floor coating for you.

First think about what you want from us. Will you be able to get the kind of service that you want from us? How will we be able to help you? What experience do we have in this area? You need to think about this as you are going through the process of choosing a contractor to do your garage floor coating.

There are some other things to think about when looking for the right kind of contractor. You need to ask him or her about their costs. If you find a contractor who is offering you a low cost quote chances are that you can save money if you choose a different contractor. You also need to make sure that the contractor that you choose has the right credentials. This means that they should have had their professional license with the Better Business Bureau have been in business for a certain amount of time and should have certain certifications.

We have been in business over 35 years serving the New England area. Call Advance Flooring Of New England LLC for your next concrete coating!