Meraculous Medicine


A New Approach to Treated Unbearable Cancer Pain

Author's Name:

Dr. K. P. Sinha (MDEH), 

Dr. Prabhat Kumar Sinha (MDEH),

Dr. Abhishek Kumar Sinha (MDEH),

Brief introduction about the research work:

This is self-invention product, invented by Dr. K. P. Sinha (MDEH) and his team. This medicine is absolutely nonpoisonous. It has no any side effects on Healthy Body.

It is working as a miracle for the patient who undergoes unbearable acute pain in all stages of CANCER and its inflammation.

Methods and technique used during the research:

According to Electro Homeopathic concept this invention is related to the development of scientific poly-herbal formulation in nano-diluted form that will useful in the management of unbearable cancer pain and its inflammation, already test in hospitals with regulatory approval.

Outcomes of the research:

This medicine used of several types of CANCEROUS PAIN & INFLAMMATION like Jaw Cancer, Throat Cancer, Liver Cancer, Uterus Cancer, Penis Cancer. Application of this medicine is in both way external or internal.

After applying medicine, within 7 minutes to 30 minutes, cancerous pain and inflammation is going to reduce 40% to 100% (According to Patent Opinion). This medicine contains Bio-Electrical Energy of the plants that’s why it works in flash speed.

Re-apparent of the pain is depending upon vitality of the patient. The pain might be reducing for less time or for long period. But when patient feels pain again, the repetition of the medicine might be occurred.


Electro Homeopathy Books -


Now many of our Cancer Pain and Palliative Care Centers named "SEHAK Cancer Pain and Palliative Care Center" are operating in New Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and many other different places across India, associated with "Sinha Electro Homeo Anusandhan Kendra" Gzb, Delhi NCR with100% success rate.

Dr. Sen Pathak (Md. Anderson Cancer Centre, Texas, US) has also appreciated to this research and gives an appreciation letter to SEHAK. Our former Central State Health Minister Hon’ble SHRI ASHWINI KUMAR CHAUBEY JI has observed and appreciated the efficiency and genuineness from his Bihar ministry period to till today with countless patients including his own relatives. To address the general social interest, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India, on the instructions of Hon'ble SHRI ASHWINI KUMAR CHAUBEY JI, assigned the Sinha Electro Homeo Anusandhan Kendra as patron to represent all doctors, consultants, institutions and researchers of the Electro Homeopathic Medical System of India