

  1. State-Visitation Fairness in Average-Reward MDPs (with Vineet Nair, Vishakha Patil and Yilun Zhou)
    Latest version available at arXiv.

  2. Strategic Classification in the Dark (with Vineet Nair, Itay Eilat, Inbal Talgam-Cohen and Nir Rosenfeld)
    Latest version available at arXiv.

  3. Ballooning Multi-armed Bandits (with Swapnil Dhamal, Shweta Jain, Sujit Gujar and Y. Narahari )
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence 2021 (Preliminary version accepted as Extended abstract in AAMAS 2020).
    Full version is available arXiv.

  4. Achieving fairness in stochastic Multi-armed Bandits (with Vishakha Patil, Vineet Nair and Y. Narahari)
    Accept with minor revision in JMLR,
    Full paper accepted for oral presentation in AAAI 2020
    Latest version available at arXiv.

  5. Fair Division of Indivisible Goods Among Strategic Agents ( Siddharth Barman, Ganesh Ghalme, Shweta Jain, Pooja Kulkarni, Shivika Narang ) AAMAS 2019 (short paper) Full version on ArXiv

  6. Design of Coalition Resistant Credit Score Functions for Online Discussion Forums ( with Amleshwar Kumar, Sujit Gujar, Shweta Jain and Y. Narahari) AAMAS 2019, pdf

  7. Analysis of Thompson Sampling for Stochastic Sleeping Bandits (with Aritra Chatterjee, Shweta Jain, Rohit Vaish and Y. Narahari) , UAI 2017, pdf

  8. Thompson Sampling Based Mechanisms for Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandit Problems (with Shweta Jain, Sujit Gujar and Y. Narahari) AAMAS 2017, pdf

  9. A deterministic MAB mechanism for crowdsourcing with logarithmic regret and Immediate Payment (with Shweta Jain , Satyanath Bhat, Sujit Gujar and Y. Narahari) AAMAS 2016 pdf

  10. Mechanisms with Learning for multi-armed bandits problems (with Shweta Jain, Satyanath Bhat, Divya Padmanabhan and Y. Narahari), IJPAM 2016, pdf