
This website aims to give an introduction to Ganesha in his family. Below is a list of stories that are on this site. If you are new here go ahead and read the introduction. Otherwise, read whichever stories that interest you!

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction to Ganesha
    • This page is very helpful if you do not know anything about Ganesha or his family. It provides a brief overview of information that will help in reading the stories.
  • Ganesha's Origin Story
    • In this story Ganesha recounts the stories of his birth. It also shows what it was like to wake up as an elephant headed man!
  • Ganesha's Brother
    • This story highlights a competition between Ganesha and his brother. There is quite a bit of family drama in this one.
  • Ganesha's Father
    • A strange tale of a god gone missing! Where could Shiva be?

Ganesha and his family. (Source)

This is a Storybook project for MLLL-4993-996 at the University of Oklahoma, Spring 2018.

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Inform me about them here.

Banner image is a photo of Ganesha. Source.