Gandiva Support

This web page will be updated with any support information for this app.

A video overview of the Gandiva app:


1) The NP Raj and Revolutionaires factions are not using Resources.

A.  As per Section 8.1 in the Rulebook, these factions do not track or use Resources. Instead, an Activation Number governs the total number of spaces where they may Operate.

2) What is the minimum screen size recommended?

A. I tested on phones down to a screen size of 5.4". Below that number, I feel the user would have to scroll excessively to play a game.

I feel the sweet spot is a phone of 6.5" or larger, or any small, cheap tablet.

Tip: If your phone has a screen size of 5.5", but you can't see the Scenario options on the home screen, you may need to adjust your text size. On the iPhone, this is done by going to Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Larger Text, and adjusting the slide.

3) How can I report a bug in the app?

A. There is an easy way to do this, from version 1.0.6 onward.

Pre-requisite: You need to have set up e-mail on your device, whether it's Mail on iOS, or GMail or an equivalent.

(As an alternative, you can email me bug reports and screenshots at at gmail.)

Known Bugs and Fixes

Fixed for next release

Past releases

1.1.2 (8 May)

1.1.1 (28 Feb)

1.0.9 (22 Feb)

1.0.8 (23 Oct)

1.0.7 (21 Oct)

1.0.6 (15 Oct)

1.0.5 (21 Sep)

1.0.4 (16 Sep)

1.0.3 (2 Sep)

1.0.2 (31 Aug)