ust terms and conditions

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Please observe the following contents.
(Translated from DeepL)

しゅがもあ/SUGAmore's ust terms and conditions
Updated on 2023/10/01.

I may update it, so check here for the new terms and conditions.

(1) If you use this ust to publish something,
Please be sure to enter the name "しゅがもあ" or "SUGAmore" in the video description field.
(We will leave the description in the video to you)

(2) Similarly, please include information about the original video in the video description section.
If you are using Nico Nico Douga, please respect and honor the video by registering it in the contents tree.
(Although it is not mandatory to register the content tree for this ust, I can notice your work by registering the tree).

(3) Please be sure to abide by the terms of use of the original video and each official.

(4) Please do not cause inconvenience to each official and others.

(5) Do not falsify the authorship of this ust or redistribute it.

(6) しゅがもあ/SUGAmore is not responsible for any problems that may arise from its use.

(7) The following named users and everyone else who sees this are prohibited from using it for a specific genre of work.

No.1 Username:烈火 TwitterID:rekka1969626 NicoNicoDougaID:52040168
(I'll list the reasons for the ban at the bottom.)

Prohibited Work Genres:
NSFW (Not safe for work), videos of MikuMikuDance and 3D models that are sexual, R18, or overly revealing models.
There is nothing wrong with having them sing and dance normally.

The hamori part is made appropriately.
If you notice a mistake in the pitch, you may correct it.

Every once in a while, I'll get a call that the zip can't be unzipped. Try the following.
(1) I compress with 7-Zip. Try another decompression application.
(2) PW is one-byte English and a simple word.
(3) If it still doesn't work, use something from another ust distributor.


It's about banned users and why they were banned.

No.1 烈火 TwitterID:rekka1969626 NicoNicoDougaID:52040168
Reason for ban:
(1) In 2021, he violated しゅがもあ/SUGAmore's ust rules and regulations, and ignored all requests for attention, communication, and corrective action. As of September 2023, it has not been modified.
(2) Using a self-processed sound source instead of the official OffVocal.
(3) He has been posting videos for a long time with sexual purposes and no respect for the material he is borrowing.
(4) He doesn't even try to read the terms and conditions in any language, Japanese, English, or Chinese, nor does he try to translate them by machine (maybe he hasn't even read these terms and conditions).
(5) Even in 2023, there are many other victims besides me who have had their ust covenants broken by him.
(6) This is the second time the ust Terms of Use have been changed, and both times the content is about self-defense and countermeasures against this person.

ust listJapanese notation only):しゅがもあ配布のust一覧表