CBD Knowledge

Please note that the above instructions are based on ideal conditions created in a laboratory. If reading all of this has dampened your enthusiasm for cooking, I'd like to cushion the blow. You don't have to adjust to exact temperatures and times. Depending on what you are using activated plant material for, there are only good and less good preparation methods.

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Suppose you want to make some marijuana tea. If you pour boiling water over the buds and let it sit for 5-10 minutes, then the cannabinoids won't be fully activated. Plant material must be heated to 100 ° C for at least 1 hour. A common practice is to heat the material in a closed glass jar or jar for one hour in a water bath. The result: cannabis with a lot of flavor and strong effects! Make sure to heat the water little by little, as rapid changes in temperature increase the risk of glass breakage.

It is even easier if you want to make delicious cookies or cakes in the oven. Most recipes for cooking in the oven give almost perfect results. Avoid temperatures above 155 ° C, because THC begins to evaporate at those degrees.

To make cannabis butter, the best method is again a glass jar or jar in a double boiler. Then, cook the activated plant material with butter and water for at least an hour, strain it to remove the remains of the buds and leaves, and let it cool. Activated butter can be removed from the top of the cooled liquid. Once frozen, cannabis butter can be stored for a long time.

And one final tip: to get the best results, you should crush or grind the plant material before activating it.