Number Sense


SOL K.1 Subitizing and Reading Numbers

Redesigned Uno game that uses subitizing images instead of digits

SOL K.2, K.4 Numbers 1-10

Place 1-10 in correct order. Call "Garbage" if you flip a card you don't need.

SOL K.3, 1.1 Counting

Redesigned Chutes and Ladders game that uses the structure of a typical hundreds chart.

SOL 2.1b One more/less & Ten more/less

Place numbers on a blank hundreds chart to get four in a row.


SOL 3.1b, 4.1c Rounding

Arrange digits to make a number that will round to one of your sheep numbers.

SOL 4.2b Model Fractions, Equivalent Fractions

Roll a fraction die and choose pattern block pieces to match. Be the first to cover 6 hexagons.

SOL 4.2, 5.2 Compare and Order Fractions

Correctly place fraction cards on a numberline. Earn points that match the denominator.

SOL 5.1 Prime & Composite

Trade hands each turn. Discard numbers 1 to 100 according to their factors. Extra points for primes.Â