The placement of only in a sentence has been a source of studious commentary since the 18th century, most of it intended to prove by force of argument that prevailing standard usage is wrong. After 200 years of preachment the following observations may be made: the position of only in standard spoken English is not fixed, since ambiguity is avoided through sentence stress; in casual prose that keeps close to the rhythms of speech only is often placed where it would be in speech; and in edited and more formal prose only tends to be placed immediately before the word or words it modifies.

If you only want to pickle the necessary information to recreate theQuerySet from the database at a later time, pickle the query attributeof the QuerySet. You can then recreate the original QuerySet (withoutany results loaded) using some code like this:

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Pickles of QuerySets are only valid for the version of Django thatwas used to generate them. If you generate a pickle using Djangoversion N, there is no guarantee that pickle will be readable withDjango version N+1. Pickles should not be used as part of a long-termarchival strategy.

filter() and order_by() can take expressions directly, butexpression construction and usage often does not happen in the same place (forexample, QuerySet method creates expressions, for later use in views).alias() allows building complex expressions incrementally, possiblyspanning multiple methods and modules, refer to the expression parts by theiraliases and only use annotate() for the final result.

Also, note that reverse() should generally only be called on a QuerySetwhich has a defined ordering (e.g., when querying against a model which definesa default ordering, or when using order_by()). If no such ordering isdefined for a given QuerySet, calling reverse() on it has no realeffect (the ordering was undefined prior to calling reverse(), and willremain undefined afterward).

If you only pass in a single field, you can also pass in the flatparameter. If True, this will mean the returned results are single values,rather than 1-tuples. An example should make the difference clearer:

This is an old API that we aim to deprecate at some point in the future.Use it only if you cannot express your query using other queryset methods.If you do need to use it, please file a ticket using the QuerySet.extrakeywordwith your use case (please check the list of existing tickets first) sothat we can enhance the QuerySet API to allow removing extra(). We areno longer improving or fixing bugs for this method.

The defer() method (and its cousin, only(), below) are only foradvanced use-cases. They provide an optimization for when you have analyzedyour queries closely and understand exactly what information you need andhave measured that the difference between returning the fields you need andthe full set of fields for the model will be significant.

Even if you think you are in the advanced use-case situation, only usedefer() when you cannot, at queryset load time, determine if you willneed the extra fields or not. If you are frequently loading and using aparticular subset of your data, the best choice you can make is tonormalize your models and put the non-loaded data into a separate model(and database table). If the columns must stay in the one table for somereason, create a model with Meta.managed = False (see themanaged attribute documentation)containing just the fields you normally need to load and use that where youmight otherwise call defer(). This makes your code more explicit to thereader, is slightly faster and consumes a little less memory in the Pythonprocess.

Using only() and omitting a field requested using select_related() isan error as well. On the other hand, invoking only() without any arguments,will return every field (including annotations) fetched by the queryset.

As with defer(), you cannot access the non-loaded fields from asynchronouscode and expect them to load. Instead, you will get aSynchronousOnlyOperation exception. Ensure that all fields you might accessare in your only() call.

This method is for controlling which database the QuerySet will beevaluated against if you are using more than one database. The only argumentthis method takes is the alias of a database, as defined inDATABASES.

On PostgreSQL only, you can pass no_key=True in order to acquire a weakerlock, that still allows creating rows that merely reference locked rows(through a foreign key, for example) while the lock is in place. ThePostgreSQL documentation has more details about row-level lock modes.

The postgresql, oracle, and mysql database backends supportselect_for_update(). However, MariaDB only supports the nowaitargument, MariaDB 10.6+ also supports the skip_locked argument, and MySQLsupports the nowait, skip_locked, and of arguments. The no_keyargument is only supported on PostgreSQL.

This method inserts the provided list of objects into the database in anefficient manner (generally only 1 query, no matter how many objects thereare), and returns created objects as a list, in the same order as provided:

A QuerySet typically caches its results internally so that repeatedevaluations do not result in additional queries. In contrast, iterator()will read results directly, without doing any caching at the QuerySet level(internally, the default iterator calls iterator() and caches the returnvalue). For a QuerySet which returns a large number of objects that youonly need to access once, this can result in better performance and asignificant reduction in memory.

Chaining order_by() with update() is supported only on MariaDB andMySQL, and is ignored for different databases. This is useful for updating aunique field in the order that is specified without conflicts. For example:

If you pass in a QuerySet resulting from values() or values_list()as the value to an __in lookup, you need to ensure you are only extractingone field in the result. For example, this will work (filtering on the blognames):

Promoted-only Posts are only shown to users targeted in your ad campaigns. Unless specifically targeted, they do not show up on your followers' timelines and are not visible in search results. However, because Promoted-only Posts are live, they are viewable by our data partners who have access to all live Posts for analysis purposes.

Promoted-only Posts, like all Promoted Ads, can be created from your X Ads account, either from the main Post composer in the "Creatives" > "Posts" tab, or during campaign creation. Any X Ads user with the ability to compose Posts can create Promoted-only Posts.

Promoted-only Posts are shown to the people you target in your campaigns. They are not shown to your followers, unless you specifically target them in your campaign. If you choose to schedule the Post, it will not be published until the date and time you specify.

If you're accessing the ads account through multi-user login as an account administrator, ad manager, campaign analyst, or organic analyst, you will only be able to create Promoted-only Posts, and only if you have been granted "Can compose promotable Posts" permissions.

No, Promoted-only Posts will not show to your followers unless you target them in your campaigns. If you navigate to your X profile, Promoted-only Posts will not show. You can create, manage, and promote your Promoted-only Posts in your X Ads Account at

You need to test additional users when a website has Ā several highly distinct groups of users. The formula only holds for comparable users who will be using the site in fairly similar ways.

This guidance will help individuals to continue to benefit from audio-only telehealth by clarifying how covered entities can provide these services in compliance with the HIPAA Rules and by improving public confidence that covered entities are protecting the privacy and security of their health information.

While telehealth can significantly expand access to health care, certain populations may have difficulty accessing or be unable to access technologies used for audio-video telehealth because of various factors, including financial resources, limited English proficiency, disability, internet access, availability of sufficient broadband, and cell coverage in the geographic area. Audio-only telehealth, especially using technologies that do not require broadband availability, can help address the needs of some of these individuals.

This Memorandum requires that all publicly accessible Federal websites and web services [1] only provide service through a secure connection. The strongest privacy and integrity protection currently available for public web connections is Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).

Federal websites that do not convert to HTTPS will not keep pace with privacy and security practices used by commercial organizations, and with current and upcoming Internet standards. This leaves Americans vulnerable to known threats, and may reduce their confidence in their government. Although some Federal websites currently use HTTPS, there has not been a consistent policy in this area. An HTTPS-only mandate will provide the public with a consistent, private browsing experience and position the Federal Government as a leader in Internet security.

The :only-child CSS pseudo-class represents an element without any siblings. This is the same as :first-child:last-child or :nth-child(1):nth-last-child(1), but with a lower specificity.

A pre-colonoscopy diet that includes solid foods is safe and effective, and there are abundant data to prove it. A large, randomized trial published in 2013 compared the results of two diet instructions the day before colonoscopy: clear liquids only, or a diet that permits solid foods such as a bagel with cream cheese, a turkey sandwich, and mac and cheese. The solid diet group had just as good clean-outs as the spartan clear-liquids-only group. There were some differences, though: Those who were allowed to have solid food reported higher satisfaction with the preparation experience and were actually less likely to cancel their appointments. 0852c4b9a8

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